September 11, 2001: Never ForgetSeptember 20, 2021Hate, religious fanaticism, and no respect for the dignity and sanctity of life, were the deadly weapons on that fateful day, in the hands of killers.
PROLOGUE How fortunate we are to live in a land where your hopes and dreams come true, where the life you lead, its success or failure are entirely up to you.
and sadly we say, that’s their fate, to live in a land where there’s no hope and freedom, and the people are taught to hate.
MY STORY When I left home on that fateful morning, in September and the warmth of summer, in the land of the free and home of the brave, to the sound of a distant drummer.
That called out to me with its steady beat, like the beating of one’s heart, it was the city off in the distance, home to business, culture, and art.
that roared its way to the city, where some outsiders have said, it’s a cold hard town without pity.
and again we were put to the test, and out of the darkness and despair, we showed the world our best.
life above was a welcomed sight, and felt relieved to escape the crowded train, and walk in the sun's brilliant light.
I quickened my pace, it was getting late past the cathedral with its towering steeple, and the many tall structures of glass and steel, through the moving throng of people.
two giants side by side like brothers, standing together tall and straight, and towering above all the others.
with countless beating hearts, there was life within these two storied giants, with their many moving parts.
to the clear blue September sky, but as I gazed up toward the summits, something passed before my eye.
approaching from the east, and it slammed into the south tower, and roared like an angry beast.
and exploded in smoke and flame, ‘What was it,’ I asked, ‘what did I see? Was it a missile or a plane?'
and could not move or speak, some gasped in horror, others screamed, and minutes later came another streak.
and it too exploded in smoke and flame, and I knew from that moment on, things would never be the same.
This was no accident that happened, no mistake in judgment or twist of fate, what caused this death and destruction, was a dark and fanatical hate.
and still stand strong and tall, or would the wounds be fatal, too much to bear? And would we have to watch them fall?
there were tears, screaming and the sirens blare, and for just a moment I closed my eyes, and hoped I’d awake from this nightmare.
people ran for their lives, but what they did not know, was that some of what rained down was innocent people who jumped to their deaths from the inferno.
there was something in the air that stung my face, and when I stopped, and could go no further, I looked up and there was only empty space.
as they collapsed, the city let out a sigh, where they once stood was twisted steel and concrete, in a tangled giant mound that looked a mile high.
as the acrid smoke made its way, through the streets of the city like a hungry beast, looking to consume its prey.
amid the explosions, smoke, and fire, the smoldering heap that now lay before us, was more, it was a burial pyre.
as many answered duty's call, most gave some to protect and save, and in the end, some gave all.
brave responders of the uniform strong and stout, they searched for the people amid the smoke and flame, many would perish and never get out.
and they would never know the reason why, their killers arrived on wings of death, / and for their cause they would kill and die.
The death and destruction went beyond the city, to other locations across the land, there was no boundary to the senseless killing, it was hard to accept and understand.
and relived in my mind the tragic day, and hoped and prayed that I might find solace, and in time the memories would just fade away.
there are some things in life we must not conceal, for thousands who perished, and those left behind, there are some wounds time can never heal.
and people running in horror and fright, then I heard a voice speak out of the chaos, “take heart, they’re with me in the light.”
and I now have set them free, the innocent and the heroes, they’re now all here with Me.”
never again will they be alone, I took them from death's unholy grasp, and now they’re finally home.”
and did so in My name, their punishment will be swift and great, in darkness and in pain.”
with their deadly plans and schemes, they defiled, denied, and desecrated, and took away so many hopes and dreams.”
with the terror that they wrought, the cries of the innocent they never heard, for some perverted end they sought.”
they will not see My face, for it is My want, it is My will, they have fallen from my grace.”
I have often looked with pride at the towers, and wondered quite often it seems, what a great tribute to man’s quest for progress, and a testament to all our hopes and dreams.
destroyed at the hands of hateful men, and like the souls that perished that day, I know the towers will rise again.
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