Defining Deviancy Down, Even FurtherAugust 23, 2021There are monsters among us, who commit heinous acts of violence, and whose actions inflict painful death on the most innocent in the womb; they must be stopped and should be punished severely. We should all question, and perhaps at times object vehemently, to cultural norms that challenge our very decency, goodness, and respect for the dignity and sanctity of life. Just how far down into the depths of depravity can a culture devolve? Most of us should by now be aware of one of the byproducts of the abortion industry; the atrocity that is the sale of fetal tissue used in research, which I have written about previously. In 2015, David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) conducted undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood (PPH), and provided for the world to see videos that he and his associates made of PPH senior officials having lunch and discussing, in a manner that can only be described as lighthearted, the sale of fetal tissue (baby body parts) secured from aborted fetuses. In 2017 the U.S. Department of Justice began an investigation into Planned Parenthood, among other entities, and their involvement in the sale of fetal tissue, which is illegal. Two bio-firms were found guilty and were permanently closed down, and Planned Parenthood of Texas agreed to discontinue receiving any federal funding for its involvement in trafficking fetal remains. This brings us to the present and how it has recently been revealed in documents furnished by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FIA) by Judicial Watch and The Center for Medical Progress that the University of Pittsburgh has engaged in the practice of using fetal tissue in their research. Both Judicial Watch and CMP were forced to file a lawsuit when HHS at first did not comply. According to reports, Pittsburgh University submitted to the government’s National Institute of Health (NIH) an application for a $3 million grant to fund research focused on the kidney and lower urinary tract. This was part of their “Genito-Urinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project.” In their application, the University explained how certain assets would prove valuable and enhance their endeavor to achieve success. FIA documents revealed that the University’s application stipulated its positive attributes for procuring the grant, these included: * Its location to be a “distribution hub that can be significantly ramped up” for “providing body parts of aborted babies to NIH researchers." * The University’s 18 years experience with securing aborted baby body parts. * The limited time period the body parts are without blood circulation up to harvesting, which means the baby’s heart must still be beating, to “ensure the highest quality of kidney and other organs as biological specimens.” This is referred to as a short ischemia time, which the University says it can achieve. Also, labor induction abortions will ensure that the live baby is in one piece. [The cause of death is organ removal; it is believed this can be excruciatingly painful for the unborn baby.] From this point on, I am going to issue an alert, and warn any of you who might be reading this article, and are skittish, or have aversions to the gruesome, brutal, and inhuman practices of those unworthy members of the human race who are heartless and devoid of humanity, and whose callous disregard for life, places them in a sub-species all their own. The FIA documents reveal the University has “racial quotas” for procuring body parts; 50% of the mothers and babies are minorities, and specifically, 25% must be black. A video from the CMP also reveals evidence that Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania furnished baby body parts to Pittsburgh University, and it in turn sends kickbacks and medical resources to PPH. Funding for much of these atrocities is furnished by the National Institute of Health, from the NIAID office of Dr. Anthony Fauci; yes, that Dr. Fauci. And then there is this, most gruesome; researchers from Pittsburgh University removed the scalps of five month old unborn babies and grafted them onto rats - for what purpose? In the FIA documents, according to and confirmed by a number of doctors that read through them, there are aborted babies that are intentionally being born alive and then left to die so that their organs can be harvested for research, and late-term babies may be delivered alive before harvesting. Also, the federal government gave Pittsburgh University $2.7 million dollars to act as a “tissue hub” for aborted babies. Another aspect of this heinous business covered in the documents discusses labor induction. The method involves the abortionist injecting digoxin, or another poison, into the heart of the unborn to kill the baby, and then inducing labor, and a dead baby. This procedure is used in second- and third-trimester pregnancies. Some of the babies are viable, capable of life, but are killed to harvest their organs. There is more, but the past 18 months has tested all of our patience and emotional stamina and has been a time, for many, of uncertainty and fear. I don’t want to burden you with such dismal and heartbreaking news any further, but you should know what atrocities the monsters of the so-called “medical community” among us are committing, and like any murderer, in the end, they are punished.
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