They Just Couldn’t Accept The Facts Or The TruthEntertaining Opposing Viewpoints Can Yield IndigestionAugust 2, 2021The Biden administration is faltering and its supporters realize their hopes and expectations, post-Donald Trump, have been rendered moot. The division among the American people is only getting more intense. With this in mind, I have determined that the most efficient, effective and informative method of getting to the heart of current issues plaguing the country, and taking the pulse of people of different political and ideological persuasions, is to sit down and talk. In other words extend a hand of willingness to understand, and possibly find some agreement, comity, and hopefully achieving a meeting of the minds. As in the past, I invited several acquaintances, those that are still speaking to me, to dinner. It took some convincing at first, but I can be rather persuasive at times. We met at a storied and highly respected restaurant in a historic section of the city. The guests, Lorraine, John, and Richard were impressed, and after some pleasantries and small talk we sat down. As usual I broke the ice, and the awkward silence, and began to explain the history of the eatery, which dates back to revolutionary times. I thought it best to ease into any discussion of the issues, by allowing everyone to settle down and absorb the ambiance and rustic charm of the surroundings. The waitress appeared and greeted us with a big smile and hello. She handed out the menus; we ordered a round of spirits, and looked over the meal selections. Fully realizing that time is of the essence, and that this meeting would last at most 3 hours, I began by asking how each were handling their respective professions - did they return to the office, or were they still working remotely from home? There was a scattered response, but from what I gathered they were all still working from home. I asked about their health and that of their families. They each spoke up and said things were fine, and they had gotten their vaccinations. Lorraine, with a slight smile, spoke up and said Bob’s inquisition has just begun. I said no, not at all, but each of you know why we meet like this, as we have before, and that is to learn and try to find a light at the end of the dark tunnel. This time it was John who spoke up, and directed his question to me, asking what I thought of the current state of affairs, and the new administration in Washington. I replied bluntly and without any hesitation, that it is the most radical and far-left of center than any other in the history of this nation, the president is cognitively impaired, and the vice president reached her level of competence before she took office. That did not go over too well, and the three spoke at once, but then Richard took charge. It was disappointing that his response was comprised of the usual platitudes and leftist talking points. Then he threw in the piece de resistance, the finishing touch, at least President Biden is a decent honest man, and is not Trump. The waitress returned and we gave her our menu selections. As soon as she was out of earshot, I responded, "Richard you’re a smart man and should know better; decent, honest, Mr. Biden has been lying to the American people from the moment he assumed the office of president. He promised to the very core of his soul to unite the country, bring us all together; he has done the complete opposite and the divide among the people has grown. And one other thing, he is not a ‘Devout Catholic.’” Lorraine appeared both impatient and angry, and responded; at least today we are respected once again around the world, and no longer despised as we were under Trump. I very politely explained that both our allies and enemies no longer are concerned, and no longer consider us as being relevant or a threat. I then asked the three, is this all you have, your hatred and contempt for the former president; we’ve had these discussions before and back then your responses had depth and were informative." “Let’s change the subject, what about the southern border,” I asked, “how do feel about the current conditions?” John responded that people are seeking a better life and as a country of immigrants we should welcome them; the others did not speak out. Now this kind of response would anger and exasperate any level-headed and concerned citizen. I leaned across the table and said, “John, platitudes and talking points will not cut it here. The border is not only in crisis, it is totally out of control; men, women and children are at the mercy of malicious and deadly criminals. It is estimated that close to 2 million migrants will enter this country by the end of year; this is historic. The border patrol is under-manned and those crossing the border are not being tested for the virus, and are being allowed entry in America and placed on buses or planes and being shipped like cargo all over the country.” I continued, “you can thank the Biden administration for this fiasco, instead of leaving in place the former president’s policies; they, like you, could not tolerate anything to do with Mr. Trump.” The meals arrived; there were other issues we could have discussed, but I thought why bother, let’s just enjoy the food, and talk of lighter and less intense matters. When the evening drew to a close, I said hopefully things will work out for each of you and the nation, and ended with God Bless America and her people. When I got home, after thinking further on the night, it occurred to me what could have been the reason for the responses, demeanor, and attitudes of Lorraine, John, and Richard. Maybe they had nothing concrete or of substance to say, because they realized they could not in all honesty accept the inevitable, and that was the failure of the Biden administration to live up to their expectations, and they could not bring themselves to admit defeat.
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