The Moment of TruthJune 7, 2021What will be a landmark ruling on abortion by the Supreme Court will create a nationwide outcry; but who will the court favor? It has been a long time in coming, about 48 years, but the moment of truth is upon us. In the 1973 Supreme Court ruling, Roe v. Wade, abortion was legalized. Since then the lines have been drawn, sides taken, pro-life v. pro-choice, Republicans v. Democrats, and as a nation we have battled tirelessly over this, one of many ideological and political skirmishes in the culture war. The moment of truth I speak of will finally arrive in October of this year. On May 17, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which addresses the 2018 Mississippi Gestational Age Act. The state has on a number of occasions attempted to restrict abortion. In 2006 an effort to ban abortion was defeated in the state's legislature, in 2011 placed on a referendum, it was voted down by a 55% majority of voters. The 2018 bill would ban the procedure after 15 weeks gestation, with the main question of the fetus’ viability at 15 weeks. Until a ruling is made by the Supreme Court, which is not expected until June 2022, the warring factions will wait impatiently, there may be confrontations, demonstrations, and more skirmishes between the pro-life and pro-choice movements until the moment of truth. Pro-lifers have hopeful expectations that the ruling will favor Mississippi’s restriction, for there are now 6 conservative justices on the court. However, Chief Justice Roberts is considered by many to be politically driven, and as in the past, it is believed, has made his decisions to avoid any potential political and social backlash. Since its inception, abortion in the United States has claimed over 62 million innocent unborn lives. Try to imagine the magnitude of such a loss of humanity on society; the doctors, scientists, authors, inventors, carpenters, builders, and perhaps even a few wise and noble politicians. Should the court rule for Mississippi, the fate of abortion would fall to each individual state, most have “Trigger Laws” that automatically enact any restrictions they deem necessary. But keep in mind, the states that can be expected (listed below) to pass legislation to restrict abortion must first contend with what in some cases can be an obstacle. If abortion is validated and legalized in a state's constitution, then the legislature of that state must first pass an amendment to supersede its abortion right, and then a referendum must be created and put up for a vote for the people to decide. With this in mind, the following states have issued restrictive laws; most are being challenged within the state and await adjudication: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas. There will probably be other states who will issue legislation based on the Supreme Court’s ruling. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution should play a key favorable role for Hobb’s in the case before the court; it reads, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” It is my understanding that life has been proven to begin at conception; if this is in fact accurate, then the justices have no other recourse than to rule in favor of Mississippi. Ruling for Mississippi, and thus the other states, would be of great importance at this time to the pro-life movement. When you consider the radical abortion agenda of the Biden administration and the Democrat party, states will have an opportunity to counteract any presidential executive orders that might further facilitate more extreme anti-life measures. States' restrictions, aside from when abortion becomes illegal, should include parental notification before any abortion can proceed on under-aged children, access to hospital facilities in cases of emergencies, selective abortions with preferences for the sex of the unborn, and termination of a pregnancy due to abnormalities like Down Syndrome. At the present time, there are states that do not enforce any of these restrictions. The extent of the abortion industry and Democratic Party’s maleficence, and their malicious callous disregard, is now reaching new heights of depravity by further diminishing and flouting the dignity and sanctity of life itself. An amendment by Republicans designed to stop research using unborn aborted fetal tissue was defeated by Democrats. The amendment called for a cease and desists of experimentation that would combine human and animal DNA to create a chimera, a non-human life form or human-animal hybrid. The question is, in God’s name, why? And there is this, the Biden administration has removed safeguards and any ethical review of these monstrous experiments, and also any restrictions on using taxpayer funding. Let us all hope and pray that the justices will decide to render their ruling within the scope of the Constitution that even late Justice Ginsburg, and other legal experts on both sides of the political spectrum, believed was not considered when Roe v. Wade was passed into law.
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