Be Vigilant And Speak Out Against The Left's Radical AgendaThe Left's radical movement to indoctrinate students must be challenged and removed from educational curriculum.May 24, 2021The ongoing movement by the far-left ruling class extremist establishment to inculcate and impress its radical, anti-American agenda into society is widespread and ominous, especially in education. Curricula, from kindergarten to the campuses of colleges and universities, is pervasive with a Marxist philosophy that instructs in lessons that pit one race against another, admonishing white students as oppressors, while teaching how people of color, especially blacks, are oppressed by the actions of privileged whites. This is all part of an extreme anti-American movement that employs a twisted and warped agenda directed at impressionable young minds that are being indoctrinated and victimized by this vacuous and racist curricula. Children as young as 5 years old are being subjected to this insane and insipid philosophy, most of it based on Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and racial and social justice. This travesty in education is being condoned and accepted by most of the cultural ruling class, comprised of a majority of Democrats, the media, big business, entertainment, professional sports, and Silicon Valley. The Biden administration has also commented on its approval of this curriculum. There is however a counter-movement that is manifesting itself across the country. It is comprised of angry, frustrated parents of students who are being subjected to this curriculum. They're writing letters, confronting city and town councils, and education departments in their districts. This radical progressive-left agenda is carried over into the mainstream by various outlets on cable and network news, the internet, print media, and local tabloids. It was however a surprise and a big disappointment, when I came across, in a Christian publication, space given to an article that raved and gave a glowing report on a virtual conversation between four activists, one a reverend, about what I discussed above. I felt the need to respond to the editor, it follows. Your periodical does itself, its readers, and the church at large, a disservice and is a sad commentary. This article that describes a virtual discussion employs all of the usual gripes and catchphrases that are used repeatedly and represent issues that have so divided this nation, such as Black Lives Matter, George Floyd killing, homicides by police, and systemic racism. Before publishing this article, if you were to have done a careful study of each of these issues that were discussed, and are grist for the mill of the radical element among Democrats and leftist progressives, you would have determined that Black Lives Matter was born out of a lie, and is an avowed Marxist group that seeks to destroy the nuclear (traditional) family. Its founders have squandered millions of dollars, donated by gullible uninformed people, on new homes and other material things. They also defend and support Planned Parenthood and taxpayer funding. The George Floyd killing, although tragic, does not support the contention that police killings are the norm, but are an aberration. More white people are killed by police interactions each year than blacks, but I guess they don't count, and who really cares about whites, as they are privileged, supremacists, and oppressors. As for systemic racism, like the 1619 Project, which has been debunked, and Critical Race Theory, a social and political philosophy which teaches that race is a major factor and should be applied when analyzing all aspects of life. This anti-American movement seeks to undermine and deconstruct traditional values, traditions, and institutions, and is antithetical to the Judeo-Christian ethic this nation was founded on, in addition to rewriting history and diminishing Western Civilization. As for the so-called good news and sign of hope in seeing protesters of all races, cultures, and ages active in Black Lives Matter marches last year, well I guess it was all just fine, as we watched businesses in flames and livelihoods ruined and destroyed, and the neighborhoods of innocent people, many of color, disrupted and torn apart, and lives lost. Yes, they were peaceful marches, amidst the fire. What were you thinking when you published this article?
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