Patience May Be A Virtue, But For How Long?The Catholic Church has for too long acquiesced to the black sheep in its family; the time has come to say, no more.April 26, 2021![]() There is a factor that I believe would be advantageous to one's effort at patience, and that is perseverance. For while you wait for what you think is the right thing and hope that it was all worthwhile and not a waste of time, you must remain steadfast in your position, not falter or give up and allow outside and extraneous forces to sway you. There is an example of what I believe to be the epitome of patience and how it has proved to have been a waste of time. The Catholic Church has stood by for decades as politicians, mostly Democrats, who professed to be Catholic, disregard her doctrine and teachings, and allow social mores and conventions to sway their thinking and dominate their actions and public life. During the Trump presidency this situation still existed; however, we had a president who is not Catholic, but supported those issues that were important to the Church. Now we have President Biden, a Democrat, and who thinks of himself a devout Catholic, but thrashes and completely ignores Church doctrine, especially with what the Church considers an intrinsic evil, abortion. Biden has signed executive orders that reverse his predecessor's that were favorable toward the pro-life position and were anti-abortion. It is understood that the Catholic Church must temper its actions, and move with caution whenever it makes any decision and public announcement. It does not want to anger the political class and possibly jeopardize its tax-exempt status and the government largess it receives for its various social initiatives and programs. But although, as they say, patience is a virtue, it can go only so far for so long. I believe the time has come for the Church to cast aside its fear and hesitancy; it has been patient for far too long. With this in mind, I recently left a message at the Archdiocese’s website addressed to Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, it read as follows: Your Eminence, It was inevitable, and I believe most Catholics knew there would come a day of reckoning when what can best be described as the “Sword of Damocles” that has hung over the Church for years, and would have to be confronted, and a decision made. Patience and prudence in dealing with this daunting situation, I believe by now should have been exhausted; it is time to act to uphold the Church’s doctrine and teachings, and maintain her virtue, dignity and moral relevance to the faithful, America, and the world. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:15-20 President Biden has revealed he is no devout Catholic, it is all a façade, and he is in fact a fraud, false prophet, and worse - a heretic. It has become quite clear where Mr. Biden’s affinities lie. Of the 60 executive orders/directives he has issued, 24 have reversed those of his predecessor, former President Trump. Of these several have had a direct effect on abortion, an intrinsic evil. Reversal of the Mexico City Policy will give taxpayer funds to foreign organizations that support and perform abortions; Mr. Biden has repudiated the Hyde Amendment. Just recently he signed an executive order that reversed Mr. Trump’s that denied taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood. His support of the Equality Act is a direct threat to religious liberty and the sanctity of traditional marriage, and it upholds and elevates the LGBTQ lifestyle at the expense of conscience rights. It will have a devastating effect on the Church and life in America. The $2 trillion Covid Relief Act, which the USCCB has recently stated it will not support because it allows taxpayer funding of abortion, should be the straw that broke the camel’s back. The time has come for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to give serious consideration to ecclesiastical censure or ex-communication for Mr. Biden and any other Catholic in public office that supports abortion and same-sex marriage.
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