I Will Give "My whole soul in bringing America together." Not So FastTraditional values again being threatened by the Biden administration, endangering pro-life and religious liberty.February 15, 2021![]() Abortion is an intrinsic evil and I believe mankind’s greatest sin. Whether you agree with this opinion or not is beside the point, and whether you believe in God, the devil, heaven and hell or nothing at all, I believe we are treading a fine line in defiance of God for our callous disregard of His creations. The number of abortions in America and throughout the world tell a horrendous story of our species that for whatever the reason, which in certain rare cases may be valid, have no concept of the magnitude of this abomination that is a sin against God and the unborn. This begs the question, after all the words, sentences, and paragraphs I have written on these issues, why am I writing about them again. For the past four years, we have had a pro-life and religious liberty champion in the White House. President Trump let the nation and the world know that America would no longer defend abortion rights and that religious liberty and traditional values would prevail. Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly in 2019, President Trump’s words spoke volumes, and echoed throughout the storied halls of the U.N. “We in America believe that every child, born and unborn, is a sacred gift from God.” And again in September of 2020, remotely from the White House, President Trump admonished the General Assembly with the United States' commitment to “Protecting unborn children.” He stated, “America will always be a leader in human rights. My administration is advancing religious liberty, opportunity for women, and decriminalization of homosexuality, combating human trafficking, and protecting unborn children.” It is often said that change is inevitable, and on November 03 of 2020, the American people spoke, and although many question the results, a new president was elected, Joe Biden. President Biden’s position on abortion is in stark contrast to his predecessors, and that of his Church, of which he considers himself a devout Catholic. He has reversed most of President Trump’s executive orders, and supports abortion up till birth and beyond, including taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, and international organizations. As for unifying the American people, it would appear Mr. Biden has little interest, aside from his proclamation that he will put his “Whole soul in bringing America together.” It only gets worse. Biden’s nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary is Xavier Becerra the Attorney General of California. Becerra has no background and experience in medicine or healthcare. There is however one issue that he is especially involved with and has had numerous interactions in, abortion, of which he is as anti-life as anyone you will encounter. Becerra is a pro-abortion zealot and is one of the radicals that sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, and pro-life centers. He objected when the Supreme Court defended small business owners' conscience rights to reject life-threatening procedures in their medical plans. Even many Democrats were astounded by Biden’s choice for HHS Secretary. With the election of Joe Biden, radical left-wing advocacy organizations have seized on this opportunity to diminish religious liberty protections. The American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Campaign, and the Center for American Progress have expressed their defense of LGBTQ rights, to counteract a rash of bills that will create religious exemptions and promote conscience rights, which according to the aforementioned groups threaten LGBTQ rights. I expect the administration, possibly through an executive order, to comply, and also will at some point attempt to pass the long-shelved Equality Act that has been festering over the decades, and will destroy religious liberty. The facts on abortion and the reaction of those recently surveyed in a 2020 Gallop poll reveal that 47% of Americans believe abortion is morally wrong, while 44% responded that it is morally acceptable; this is most troubling to think that 44% of Americans believe that abortion is morally acceptable. In a 2020 Canadian poll, 51% said it is morally or usually wrong to use plastic straws, while only 26% said abortion is always or usually morally wrong. This response is depraved and sickening, to think Canadians are more concerned about plastic straws than the lives of the innocent unborn. I guess in the minds of these selfish heartless people, babies are disposable, but not so plastic straws. Judge James Wilson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, and a Supreme Court Justice. The judge was considered by the other Founding Fathers as the leading legal scholar of his day. On the subject of abortion and the Declarations stated inalienable “Right to Life,” he said, “With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life from its commencement to its close is protected by common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and in some cases from every degree of danger.”
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