Angry AmericansPresident Biden has authorized numerous progressive executive orders, intensifying anger and protests.February 1, 2021![]() Their anger is even greater by the way President Trump is being accused of inciting an insurrection, and is having to deal with a second impeachment, and how some Republicans have joined in to the fray in what is an embarrassment and abuse of the Constitution. They’re angry about newly elected President Biden and his administration, and the constant repetition of their calling for unity among the people, when in fact for the last four years they, the Democrats and media, perpetuated nothing but division by their lies and reckless behavior and constant unabated attacks on President Trump and his family. They’re angry about when in his first day in office President Biden signed executive orders that reversed a number of his predecessor's policies, in particular discontinuing the Keystone XL pipeline that, according to estimates by those knowledgeable on the issue, will cause the loss of up to ten thousand or more jobs and higher prices at the gas pump. They’re angry about another of Biden’s reversals, an anti-gender discrimination order that has already created a tremendous outcry, even from far-left feminist groups. What the order does in effect is to negate female rights by allowing transgender women - biological males - to participate in girl’s sports activities, using their locker rooms and showers. This presidential directive is destructive and disastrous for women’s athletics, health care, and shelters. And they're angry about the reversal of President Trump's ban on transgenders in the military. They’re angry, especially, about this order that seeks to enforce a Supreme Court ruling that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. There is little doubt the Justices did not see beyond, what they and many would consider in the interest of fairness and equality, a valid ruling. But the justices appear to have been unconcerned, or ignorant, of the fallout beyond their decision, and the impact it would have and its detrimental effects on women’s rights. If this is not reversed, I believe girls' sports will eventually be a thing of the past. They’re angry about the reversal of pro-life President Trump’s restriction on abortion rights, and the resumption of a policy that recognizes and supports international organizations that promote and perform abortions. This is a revoking of the Trump administration's mandate on the Mexico City policy. And the repercussions of this revised inhumane reversal, we can only imagine. While the Trump administration was still in power in 2020, and during the pandemic, there were 32.5 million abortions worldwide. Biden has also threatened to revoke the Hyde Amendment, codify Roe vs. Wade into law, and fund Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars. They’re angry about Washington elites, the liberal establishment, and the mainstream media, and the punditry on cable news, social media, podcasts, and their call for the deprogramming of Trump supporters. This should tell the nation just how unhinged these leftists have become. Would they have those now in power, perhaps create another Guantanamo Bay where American citizens can be held until they denounce their beliefs and support of President Trump, and accept the truth as their captors see it? They’re angry about the Green New Deal, rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran nuclear agreement, and the World Health Organization. These far-left progressive policies, if enacted, will cost the American taxpayer in the trillions of dollars and job losses in the thousands or millions. The English poet Francis Quarles wrote “Anger, when it is long in coming, is the stronger when it comes, and the longer felt.” The anger of the American people has been building for some years, especially among conservatives, and, regrettably for some, it reached a boiling point on January 6 (2021). If only they knew how their actions would cause an outcry and great condemnation, and how it would create a climate of fear and discontent, which has threatened the very president, whom they so love, and his family’s personal, business, and professional well being.
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