The Walls Came Tumbling DownThere will be books that tell the story of the presidency of Donald Trump; but many will distort and rewrite history.January 18, 2021![]() Now let the fusillade begin. You can rest assured that newly written books will be flying off the shelves before you can say “Make America Great Again.” The authors are right now mulling over the events, revelations, and how best to frame and present their manuscripts to salivating publishers, even though the blood, loss of life, and shock have not yet worn off a weary nation besieged by death, destruction, and a great divide among the people. The pages will be jam-packed with the requisite ingredients: action, chicanery, salacious behavior, scandal, and of course political intrigue. Chapter after chapter will indulge the readers' basest of instincts - the ignoble, the cheap, the lies, and deceit. It will tell of the Washington establishment, media, and Deep State, whose agenda was to undermine and stop a man who would become president. But in the end, all that matters to the author is achieving the pinnacle of success, never mind the truth; the blockbuster and number one on the New York Times bestseller list, and if good and tawdry enough, perhaps a movie deal. The story might begin with the descent on an elevator, and several words spoken that for some were deemed insulting, and that touched a nerve; they were distasteful and even called racist. But for others, the tempest-tossed yearning to breathe free again, and shrug off the shackles of a government and culture that defied and denied their beliefs and way of life; they touched something deep inside and from that point, hope sprung eternal. The people looked at this brash towering and rather robust figure, a real estate baron and successful television personality with an unchecked lexicon, and the people knew this could be the one who will shake things up in Washington and its environs. There was a large segment of the population that considered themselves as detached from their own country, and that Washington and the political class had forgotten them. Each of the four years covered, from election 2016 to election 2020, in the book will tell of how the president led the people and how his governance was filled with animosity, controversy, and harsh words exchanged with his political rivals, enemies, and the media. There will be not a word about his accomplishments, for this would defeat the intent of the book, and that is that the entire body of information will be a mere formality, to fill up pages, and only act as a prelude to the final chapter of the book, which will conclude with an historic and tragic event, one of monumental consequence. This final chapter I speak of will begin with the pandemic and work its way through a summer of protests, violence, destruction, and cities on fire. The president’s actions will be judged as insufficient and the cause for much of the deaths from the virus, and his demeanor as being without empathy for the victims. It will describe the 2020 presidential election, and explain how it was fraught with controversy and cries of voter fraud, and accusations of lies from the president, his lawyers, and supporters. In time, in the mind of one who aspires to write, there comes a thought; it might be of an event or revelation of something the writer considers worthy of time and persistence, and this will ignite a spark that is the impetus to proceed and tell the story. That spark in the minds of the authors I speak of is an event that occurred on January 06, 2021. Supporters of the president gathered in Washington D.C. to protest the outcome of the presidential election and allegations of fraud. This was a massive crowd, numbers estimated in the hundreds of thousands. The president soon arrived at the roar of the crowd and spoke for about 90 minutes. He discussed the election and concluded his speech with “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” But while he was speaking, a group broke off from the assembled and moved toward the Capitol while Congress was in session. They then stormed the front entrance, charged through a line of Capitol police, and broke through glass doors, and invaded this hallowed place. One of these marauders took a fire extinguisher and hit one of the officers over the head which lead to his death. They then broke into the offices of congresspeople and stole items and caused damage. One of this invading force, a young woman who served her country in the military, was tragically shot and killed by a Capitol police officer while trying to break through a door inside the Capitol. In the aftermath of this heinous event, the nation was outraged and saddened. How this could happen in America, even the leaders of other nations spoke out against it. Aside from his words for peace and patriotism, the president would still be blamed for this event, and accused of inciting an insurrection that would lead to his impeachment with only days remaining in his presidency. What many of these books will not tell, is how the Democratic Party in league with their enablers in the media, Silicon Valley, and big business, conspired from the start of the pandemic through the presidential election, to put into motion malicious schemes that would use the virus as a means to implement nationwide mail-in voting that was believed to favor Democrats. They would do all in their power to defeat President Trump, humiliate him, his family, and drive him from office. Sadly, they have accomplished their despicable and reprehensible goal.
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