"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Columbia University Aids and Abets Ahmadinejad

October 1, 2007

Errol Phillips, author and an independent Jewish Conservative, wrote, "The University of California Board of Regents rescinded an invitation for former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers to speak at a private dinner after faculty members protested. Summers had offended female academics with his 2005 comments on the dearth of women in math and science careers. Columbia University invites the midget Hitler from Iran to speak. Am I missing something here?"

I agree with Mr. Phillips. At many of the universities, almost all speakers who are right of center have either been canceled or drowned out by extreme noise from far-left students or have even been stormed on the stage as they tried to speak.

And yet the TV news stories about this new replica of Napoleon Bonaparte appearing at Columbia employ interviews with students who demand free speech, who tell us that they have to hear Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speak to them so they can make a judgment. What? When did they allow free speech for the Minute Men, and other Conservative speakers? If these are truly college students and they do not yet know current events, are not already familiarized with Ahmadinejad's speeches and rants, his desire to erase Israel off the face of the earth and his plan to develop a nuclear bomb to help him kill all infidels in the world, then they should have already been flunked out of college.

As I have written before and it bears repeating: Our Jihadist enemies in the Middle East have learned three important tactics to win the current war and those of the future.

1. Use terrorism on civilians to frighten them and to break down their resolve. It is the civilian population that controls the actions of most politicians through polls and votes. It has worked in Spain and other European countries in the past and it appears to be working here in the U.S.

2. Control the TV media better to distribute propaganda so as to further manipulate the civilian population and also lower morale of their troops. Let Americans think they are still under the Geneva Convention rules of past wars. Convince them, also, that they should treat all captured Islamic Jihadists as they do prisoners under the rule of law rather than the rule of war. Terrorists would love to dominate our prisons, since they are now finding them such fertile grounds for recruiting.

3. Infiltrate American schools, colleges, churches and political organizations to convert as many youth and political people as possible so that new generations of Americans sympathize with the Middle East problems and regard their own country as an imperial nation, interested only in dominating the world to gain control of oil and other riches. These three combined tactics can win a war without having to fight on battlefields as was the case in World Wars I and II.

There will be a fourth tactic added to the other three in the future. This will happen when Iran, the new financier of al Qaeda, has access to nuclear bombs. With only a few of these, they will be able to wipe Israel off the map with one attack, and cause America, they think, to surrender when the same happens to New York or to other major American cities.

Democrat de facto Socialists have adopted similar political tactics to make sure that they keep their majority power over the American people. This is why they keep claiming that they are merely following the dictates of "the American people."

Well, Columbia University has proven that not only are all these plans true, but rule 3 above has already shaped its students and faculty. It would also appear that the president of this university is aiding and abetting the Far Left by his invitation and agreement to introduce the Iranian leader. Finally, just before leaving Iran for the USA, Ahmadinejad led a military parade threatening the USA and Israel. Earlier, he had denied the Holocaust and called for the destruction of Israel. Let us hope that donations to Columbia come to a screaming halt until this university starts producing Americans instead of anti-Americans.

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