The Derangement of the Radical Left is UnceasingA manifestation of the 2020 election is radical leftists not satisfied, and continuing their attacks and threats.November 16, 2020![]() To begin, there was one in particular by Jason Whitlock, a sports and political commentator, that was profound and in stark contrast to the avalanche of others of a negative nature. Whitlock was visibly upset over what he believed will be a Biden victory. He said this, and I will paraphrase his words here: President Trump's supporters love him, there is no question that they love him for who is, how he speaks to their heartfelt desires and what is important in their lives, and most of all how he kept the promises he made to them in 2016. He then went on to say that those so-called supporters of Joe Biden do not love him, they never did and couldn't care less about anything associated with him, and that they voted for him only because of their hate for Donald Trump. This is one of those instances where hate conquered love. Not all of the comments were as profound and heartfelt as were Mr. Whitlock’s, for instance. Out of the realm of the almost but not yet forgotten, another voice spoke to us from the ether of the social media jungle. Just before the election, Hillary Clinton, looking a bit disheveled, sat in her easy chair and delivered these divisive words of wisdom, “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to dragged out and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as HATE focused and relentless as the other side is.” The one known in some circles as the stupidest man on television, CNN’s Bob Lemon, said without the least bit of hesitation, with a cynical smile, and a good measure of intolerance and stupidity, that he will cast aside all his friends and acquaintances, anyone who voted for President Trump. He will no longer have anything to do with them; some friend. Mr. Biden, in his Saturday November 7 speech, stated that we must unite and come together as Americans. Yet it appears that some of his key supporters do not agree with those sentiments. Biden adviser, Andrew Bates, said in a statement regarding the president, “The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.” Representative Ocasio-Cortes wrote on Twitter “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future. I foresee decent probability of many deleted tweets, writings, and photos in the future.” Now there’s a real genius. There is a group of never-Trumpers who threatened that they seek to punish the President’s supporters. As to what that will entail remains to be seen. But I would venture a guess along the lines of forced exile, tar and feather, or even the rack. Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post wrote that Trump supporters “should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position, or be accepted into polite society; we have a list.” Rubin is your typical, insipid, radical leftist who hates half the nation. The Trump Accountability Project (TAP) was developed by Hari Sevugan, former national press secretary for the Democratic National Committee, and a senior spokesman for the Barack Obama campaign. Sevugan created a registry of Trump allies, and expressed his motives as such “We just launched the TAP to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.” I said it once, and will say it again, the never-Trump are sick, they’re suffering from a pathological condition that is festering within them and eating away at their souls, but then again I have often wondered whether these reprobates have souls. There is much more of this reckless and dangerous commentary, but I don’t want to depress or anger you any further; there is however one other comment that deserves mentioning. About a month ago a voice out of the American hall of shame put her two cents into the discourse of the day with something that I believe portended, to an extent, the way things turned out. Weaned from Hollywood royalty, an actress of some stature, a radical activist, and to this day regarded by most Americans, especially those who served in the military, as a traitor; yes the woman on the tank Hanoi Jane. Ms. Fonda added to the left’s egregious ill manner with these words “COVID-19 is the best thing that has happened for the Democrats.” I think we all know what she meant, how Democrats and their media enablers have used the virus to bludgeon the president, undeterred and defiant day after day for the last nine months. What this shallow woman, and those who agreed with her for their own nefarious reasons, didn’t realize, I believe, is that the Democrats used the virus not only to discredit and undermine the president but as a pretext to implement mail in ballot voting, knowing that most Americans would accept this because they were hesitant to leave their domiciles and vote in person out of fear of the virus. Now let’s wait and see how long it will take for Mr. Biden to come forth and admonish all these deadbeats, malefactors and hate mongers, and demand they stop their infantile shenanigans, and let us all come together as Americans. But don’t hold your breath waiting.
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