I Feel Deeply Saddened At The Loss Of The American DreamBy Dan Perkins November 9, 2020![]() Under a Joe Biden presidency, we will have open borders, no border patrol, and no ICE. We will no longer have any need for the Department of Immigration and Naturalization. Every person crossing the border will get free healthcare, education and given the right to vote just to name a few. The influx of immigrants will create a surplus of laborers and in turn drive down wages. Drugs will cross the border and flow like water. More Americans will die from the drugs or from violence from the various drug cartels. The central government will become more powerful and reinsert America in the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris accord. Healthcare will be Medicare for all. The budget deficits to fund all of this socialism will explode out of control. The American economy will decline along with the value of the dollar. With higher taxes, companies will move their factories and jobs out of the country. One of the reasons I feel so sad is that the American people have opened pandora's box of socialism in the United States without truly understanding what is coming. Many Americans will some day wake up to the reality of what they have done and it may be too late. You see, when you give people things for free, it is complicated to take them back. Why would an American want to pay for healthcare when the government will provide it to you for free? Why get a job when the government pays you not to work? If we stop developing our own energy sources and try to transition to green energy, we will have to import fuel from other nations. We will once again cede the control of our economy and our national security to foreign governments. I would fully expect President Biden to rescind all of President Trump's executive orders as quickly as possible. I wonder what President Biden will do about COVID-19? He has said that he wants to make masks mandatory, and if the scientists say we should shut down the economy, he will do it, bringing on another depression and this time perhaps more devastating. But what else will he do to "protect" America? I would fully expect the stock market to rally on Biden's election, but then I would expect to see it begin to fall as the President has to tell the American people what he will do. Joe Biden, the President, may act similarly as Joe Biden, the candidate and not be around. He may not hold many press conferences but will use his press secretary to release his cabinet appointments. If the Republicans maintain control of the Senate, many of Biden's plans that require legislation may go nowhere. For example, the tax bill will have to start in the House, and I believe if the Republicans hold the Senate, it will be tough for Biden to get them passed. The margin in the House for Democrats will be a few seats probable less than 10. With midterm elections just two years away, if Biden doesn't perform, he could well lose the House. In Obama's two mid-term elections, he lost an average of 63 and 13 seats, respectively. You can see that there is a significant possibility that Biden could lose the House in 2022. The House could swing on perhaps fewer than 10 seats. All of the President's cabinet appointments will have to be approved by the Senate. Two sitting senators Warren and Sanders, have suggested they might be interested in a cabinet chair. Taking Democrats out of the Senate will not assure that they will be replaced by re-electable Democrats. By 2022, America will not be the same country, and I'm concerned that we will be so far down the path to socialism; no matter what happens in 2022 or 2024, we cannot revert to the past America - a time when America was the last beacon of hope in the world. I’m sad that the America I have known all of my 75 years will be gone forever.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is https://yournews.com/33908. You can find more info about Dan and his works at danperkins.guru. Visit Dan Perkins's website at www.DanPerkins.guru