Justices Question Past Supreme Court RulingSupreme Court Justices seek to remedy a past ruling that threatens religious liberty caused by judicial activismOctober 19, 2020![]() In what may be considered an unusual turn of events, even for the Court, on Monday, October 5, Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito issued a joint statement on the Court’s 2015 ruling on the case of Obergefell vs. Hodges. That ruling imagined the right to same-sex marriage into the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Both justices expressed their regret and disappointment in the Court's 5 to 4 decision, and for the repercussions have negatively effected the country, and especially religious freedom. They issued a warning and asked that the Court review the decision and possibly fix the problem it created. This entreaty by justices Thomas and Alito came about when the court in a recent decision unanimously refused to hear the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to sign her name on same-sex marriage certificates, stating that as a devout Christian her religious beliefs and convictions do not recognize nontraditional marriage. Ms. Davis, like most people of faith, believes that marriage is a sacred bond between one man and one woman. The justices in part wrote:
Following the Obergefell decision, Christian small business owners have been subjected to threats of lawsuits and imprisonment. I have written about many of these in past articles. The most prominent and often mentioned case came before the Supreme Court in 2018: Masterpiece Bakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. In a 7-2 ruling the court sided with Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Bakeshop. In 2012 Phillips refused to accommodate a same-sex wedding ceremony with a custom made cake. His reason, like that of Kim Clark, was his Christian faith and belief in traditional marriage. The Masterpiece ruling makes it quite clear that Obergefell does represent a threat to religious liberty that the Court recognized and corrected, but only in this one case. Justices Thomas and Alito seek to correct this and establish it as precedent. This brings us to the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The judge is a brilliant and gifted jurist, first in her class at Notre Dame University, distinguished professor, highly regarded by the ABA and by her peers. Under normal conditions, which the Democrats are no longer capable of accepting, Judge Barrett would easily be confirmed to the Supreme Court. But regrettably in America today, intolerance and ideological bias has infected the minds of the Democratic Party and radical left. There is little doubt that aside from the Affordable Care Act and Roe vs. Wade, the confirmation of Judge Barrett strikes fears into the hearts of Democrats and their leftist supporters. This includes the radical LGBTQ movement that has taken offense at the joint statement by Justices Thomas and Alito, and now will feel further threatened by a Justice Barrett and her traditional family values and principles.
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