America - Love Her, Hate Her, But You Will Never Change HerThe godless will attempt to usurp America's Judeo-Christian heritage and traditional values, but will fail.October 12, 2020![]() In the 1961 novel “Fate is the Hunter” by Ernest K. Gann, the story involves the tragic crash of a commercial airliner. In 1964 the motion picture, loosely based on the book and with the same title, was brought to the movie screen. There is one survivor in the crash, a stewardess, who under extreme stress and still recovering from her injuries could not contribute any viable information that might have shed some light on the crash. Eventually the reason given by the authorities in charge was pilot error. But the hero and lead actor in the film Glenn Ford refused to accept this reason and sets out to prove them wrong. The outcome in the story was that due to a confluence of events, a flock of birds, spilled coffee, and a pier that should have been taken down led to the crash. The determination was that it was fate, a driving force that eventually leads to an inevitable outcome or condition. It is my contention here that fate through the hand of God controls America’s destiny, and it cannot be changed no matter the leader and those who govern and are in charge. In a passage in the Book of Ecclesiastes it is written that God made everything appropriate to His time, and has put the timeless into man's hearts, and that there is an appointed time for everything. What I believe the writer is saying is that everything on earth and in heaven is touched by the hand of God, and through fate all of life, the creativity, human achievement, successes, inventions, wars, the hard work we do, the influences of religion, government, politics, everything is susceptible and regulated by fate and the passage of time, as preordained by God. So what, you might ask, has any of this to do with America. I believe the birth of America was not through some random set of events, and that the path for this nation and that of all of mankind cannot in any way be altered. The Word of God, the prophets, and the Bible, the birth of Christ and His Crucifixion were a prologue, and all contributed to the birth of Christianity, which over the centuries started a movement that eventually led to the birth of Western Civilization as we know it today. Western Civilization was based on many cultures within nations of European heritage that unified and shared cultural, Philosophical, and past ancient beliefs. This commonality of Western cultures was a stark contrast to that of Eastern Civilization. There were influences that contributed to the structural foundations that help settle the West - Greco/Roman thinking on philosophy, art, and education, science, and in particular the power of individual logic and reason, and of equal or perhaps even greater influence, the Judeo-Christian ethic. Curiosity, exploration, scientific discovery, and the search for meaning and truth led one man to venture forth in search of a trade route, a passage to India for the purpose of commerce. It was the 15th century, the Age of Enlightenment and Discovery when Christopher Columbus, whether through ignorance or as I believe fate, miscalculated when navigating and took a wrong turn somewhere on the ocean and ended up in another hemisphere, which began the journey toward the North American continent and the New World. In the 17th century the Pilgrims a people yearning to practice their freedom of religion without the chains of intolerance and bigotry sailed on the Mayflower to the New World. They were followed by immigrants from the European continent arriving on these shores in the 18th and 19th centuries. Both were descendants of Western Civilization with hopes and dreams and in search of a new life and the opportunity to grow, prosper and live in freedom. This wave of new arrivals to America brought with it learned and just men of conscience, which through fate found each other. The Founding Fathers set forth a Declaration that provides for the philosophical basis for government and defines the conditions for a free people whose rights and liberty are derived from their Creator. And the Constitution that created a system of laws and a social convention that would inspire, and has endured for over two centuries and admired the world over. All of these events that I have covered that occurred over the centuries did not happen by chance or coincidence. America is that shining city on a hill set and willed in place by God, established by men of faith, as a land for the weary and huddled masses yearning to breathe free; people from all over the world seek her embrace. There is a passage in Proverb that reads “The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” God is the creator of all things and sovereign over all the earth and His supreme purpose and plans will always prevail. We have free will and the responsibility to make decisions and choices, good and bad; this does not mean that God has in any way lost His domination and authority over us. Hopefully President Trump will be reelected in November but, God forbid, should Mr. Biden and the Democrats claim victory, take heart. If this happens, it is almost a certainty that there will be dark days ahead, and they will for a time implement their socialist, secular, and godless agenda that will dismiss and discourage, as archaic, our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious liberty. But I am certain those of us who disagree will not stand by idly, we will speak up, and although but our voices will probably be drowned out by the left wing in all its manifestations, we will be heard. Earlier I stated that fate through the hand of God controls America’s destiny, and it cannot be changed no matter the leader and political party in power. Whatever may happen, America as a nation will never and can never change; her people may at times take the wrong path and act irresponsibly, but America’s heart and soul has been defined by God and is not subject to change.
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