Joe Biden Should Resign from the Democratic CampaignBy Dan Perkins September 14, 2020![]() Was the Atlantic article the basis of Joe’s response? In his appearance, Biden invoked his son Beau's military service, noting his son later died from cancer. "He wasn't a sucker. The servicemen and women he served with, particularly those who did not come home, were not losers." Now, here comes the importance of the charge: Biden said, "If these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every Gold Star mother and father and every Blue Star family that he's denigrated and insulted. Who the heck does he think he is?" I want to point out that I’m a veteran and I’m standing up for the president. Therefore, I challenge Joe Biden to prove the outrageous charge he has made, and if he can't, he needs to publicly apologize to the president for his remarks. Joe also said, that he "should humbly apologize to every Gold Star mother and father and every Blue Star family that I have denigrated and insulted in my unwarranted attack on the president and for the anguish I have brought upon millions of people." The president must demand that Joe Biden prove his charges against him within two weeks, or apologize to the American people and resign as the Democratic candidate for President. Joe Biden must call on The Atlantic magazine to prove that the story (2) is not fake news, and if they can't, they must print a retraction and apologize to the president and to the American veterans and their families. This story is a low point for the Democratic Party. The Democrats have made the charge, and some people are reacting as if what Biden said was true, without any proof by Joe. There is no proof that the president ever said it; in fact, John Bolton, in an interview with The Hill said, "I didn't hear Trump insult fallen soldiers in France at the meeting in question. I can assure you if I did, I would have devoted several chapters in my book about it.” Let me show you an example of how the Democratic tactic works: Biden makes the charge, not from his camp but a third party, in this case, The Atlantic. Then the left-wing newspapers and TV stations go to work and position it as true. (3) Now let's look at the next step and see what happens; here is a quote from the LA Times letters to the editor: ”However, when the President of the United States, our own commander-in-chief, reportedly makes comments about the people underneath his feet at military burial sites being ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ that's very personal.” In Trump's view, my brother and I are suckers, and my brother is a loser. We both served as enlisted and then commissioned officers in the U.S. Air Force, so that makes us both suckers. My brother was seriously injured when his B-47 crashed and he has rested in a national cemetery for the last 55 years, so he is a loser. For the first time, Trump's reported conduct has affected me personally - and I am livid. (4) The Democrats’ and Biden's goal is to get people to believe the story without any proof and then turn on the president. The excerpt above from the LA Times proves my point. The last part of the game is to have the story retracted sometime later. But by then, the damage is done. In this case, if Biden doesn't apologize, the damage further is done to all the people who may change their mind about Donald Trump, based on the falsehood from Joe Biden. How many times over the last 4 years have we seen that the mainstream media has been called out for false statements? How many of the Democratic leaders, who almost daily for four years have said that Donald Trump worked with Russia against Hillary to corrupt the 2016 election, have been vilified? When the Democrats impeached President Trump, none of the statements of all the things they said he did were in the impeachment charges. They made the charges, but could never prove them. This has happened to the president, but it can and did happen to just a plain old American citizen, and it can happen to you. Do you remember the charge made against Nick Sandmann, a young high school student, in the March for Life in January 2019? All the major news outlets claimed that Nick instigated the event with the native American agitator, and all of the mainstream media then went after him because he had on a red MAGA hat. They all got it wrong, and as a result, the young man successfully sued the media who destroyed his good name and reputation. This young man stood up against the mainstream media. CNN and The Washington Post have settled their cases with Nick. I have been told that he may have as many as 6 more claims against other media companies. Someone needs to ask Jeffrey Goldberg that if this incident took place 2 years ago, why does it come to light 60 days before the election? Who brought this story to his attention and when? As a responsible journalist, did he try and verify with anyone who was actually in the room when it supposedly was said, like perhaps John Bolton? Did anyone associated with the alleged quote either directly or indirectly communicate and verify with the Biden campaign before the magazine released the story? Keep in mind the famous whistleblower on the Ukraine phone call, who was not even in the room when the call was made! However, the Democrats still ran with the story until the truth came out. If Joe Biden or his team were not notified in advance about the story, what did Joe or his campaign staff do to verify the story before Joe took a position? Who are we to believe? Should it be someone who didn’t even try and verify the story, but went ahead in print to attack the president? This was even though the friends and foes of the president that were in the room declared it didn’t happen? Donald Trump can't file a suit against Joe Biden for slander, but he can demand an apology and a resignation. I think all Republicans running for office, or those who are already in office, should stand up and support President Trump with a new hashtag - #JoeMustGo. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is You can find more info about Dan and his works at Visit Dan Perkins's website at