I Know Why Democrats Hate TrumpBy Dan Perkins September 7, 2020![]() I don't know whether the puzzle I've been working on for four years has 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, or 100,000 pieces, but I have enough pieces now to put the picture together. The Democrats are like master illusionists - they're continually throwing up distractions so that you don't get to finish the issue because they have moved on to another one. Then you have to start thinking about the new charge without finishing the first one. In our puzzle example, the Democrats give you a puzzle piece, and before you can find the spot, they take it away and give you a new one. I came to understand that there wasn't one particular reason they hated President Trump, or so I thought. To understand their process, you have to deal with their core, that elusive one thing. For the longest time, the Democrats have believed that only they can make decisions about America's direction. In the past, if someone disagreed with them, they would launch such a hellfire and brimstone attack at a Republican that the Republican would capitulate and sit down and shut up. Maybe the person would even cry and possibly resign or not run again. No matter who was elected president, Democrat or Republican, the Democrats always believed they were in power. Let me give you two examples of Republican presidential candidates who were intimidated and then capitulated to what the Democrats wanted. John McCain, the late Senator from Arizona and a war hero, was so intimidated by radical Democrats that he refused to let his campaign mention Barack Obama's middle name Hussein during his entire campaign. The Democrats convinced McCain that to use Hussein would be saying that McCain was a xenophobe. McCain never wanted to confront Barack Obama as to how he believed what a president should do and how he should lead the country. So, when Obama criticized McCain during the campaign, McCain never went toe to toe in response. Republicans may fight in wars, but not in politics. After Obama became president, he took advantage of an unwritten rule that says retired presidents do not comment or criticize incumbent presidents, even if they attack the retired president. Obama criticized George W Bush and in turn Republican congressmen and senators for the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. Former President Bush rarely responded to the criticism from Obama, even though the attacks on him by Obama were designed to intimidate potential presidential candidate members of Congress. Barack Obama wanted to get what he wanted when he asked for it. Bush was so intimidated by Democrats that he supported Hillary, a Democrat, against Trump. Anyone who watched the debates between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in 2012 would see there were numerous opportunities for Romney to attack the things that Obama was saying to discredit him. However, he never did; it is still one of the greatest mysteries in presidential politics that Mitt Romney had Barack Obama on the ropes, yet he let him get away. Romney was so intimidated by Obama that he actually quit campaigning. The Democrats have been masters of using charges against Republicans to intimidate them. Here is another example: Harry Reid, then-Democratic leader of the Senate, told reporters he heard that Mitt Romney didn't pay his income taxes. He gave no source for the charge, and when the press asked him about the charge, he told the reporters to ask Romney why he didn't pay his taxes. Yet, no matter what Romney said, the story was always that Romney never paid his taxes. By the time we got to the 2016 presidential election, the Democrats were very proud of what they had accomplished in intimidating the Republicans. In fact, they believed that Hillary Clinton would be an easy layup as the next president of the United States. But something happened. First, Donald Trump eliminated all of his competitors throughout the primaries and won the Republican nomination. The Democrats believed that Donald Trump was no competition and he was no different than McCain or Romney. So, the Obama administration's deep state set things in motion by trying to destroy Donald Trump and eliminate him as a legitimate contender against Hillary. The one thing the Democrats didn't do is pay attention to the fact that Donald Trump didn't do what he was told to do. Donald Trump did not capitulate to Hillary or any Democratic leader. On election night when Hillary didn't win, the Democratic apparatus swung into motion against Donald Trump to get him to resign the presidency as soon as possible. To stop his reelection in 2020, they immediately launched a barrage of attacks that continue to this day. As Donald Trump pushed back against the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, they both continued their charges against him. Trump just kept fighting back so that the Democrats had to dig deep into their bag of tricks to try and punish him. Donald Trump, though, would not fall in line and admit that the Democrats controlled the nation or that he would resign or surrender to their power. For 3½ years, the Democrats have thrown every false accusation or lie they could to try and get him off his game. They also began to notice that Republican senators and congressmen were starting to stand up against the Democrats. Clearly not enough Republicans, though, but over the last 3½ years, an increasing number did grow spines. The Democratic Party was so confident they could defeat Trump in the 2020 general election that they selected an opponent who has difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time. Nancy Pelosi, the highest elected Democrat in the nation, said that Joe Biden should not participate in presidential debates. I'm not sure that her position was offered out of arrogance or fear, but we will find out when the debates are over. Have you ever used a standup punching bag? You hit it as hard as you can and knock it down, but it pops right back up. No matter how hard you hit it, it will always pop back up, ready for your next punch. You swing harder and harder, burning up more and more of your energy, and when you are completely spent, that punching bag is still standing right there with a silly look on its face. The Democrats are like the fighter that keeps trying to knock down the punching bag, Donald Trump, but the president keeps coming back up. Also, each time the Democrats have tried to attack the president, they just don't understand that they are alienating more of the electorate. Donald Trump can take a punch, but unlike the punching bag, he fights back. You hear members of the Democrat party calling the president a racist, a homophobe, xenophobe, and many more slurs. Democrats have called the president and Republicans so many different names, so often, that they no longer have the shock value they used to have. Many people are saying this election is the most important one in the history of our nation. I think it's the most crucial election in the history of the so-called Democratic Party. This is because I believe the American people will not only reject Joe Biden, but also the communist socialists running for election or reelection in the house and the senate. The next time you hear Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any other leading Democrat say Donald Trump is a racist or is this or that, keep in mind that as long as Donald Trump continues to fight back, the Democrats will burn their bridges to the American people, and by the way, that is you. If you are like Peter Finch (playing Howard Beale) from the movie Network when he goes over to the window and yells out into the streets, "I'm mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore," show just how mad you are. Silently go to the polls and vote Republican in November. Both you and the country will be better off.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is https://yournews.com/33908. You can find more info about Dan and his works at danperkins.guru. Visit Dan Perkins's website at www.DanPerkins.guru