Do We Test God's Patience? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah...Should God decide to punish humanity for the sin of abortion, hope He shows mercy to those of us who defend life.September 7, 2020![]() There are issues that require each of us to think on the subject, sometimes our emotions may play a part, and then we profess what we believe in a rational and acceptable manner according to legal dictates and conventional standards. There are however extraneous forces that can affect how we perceive things. Religion, the family, politics, education, and culture are I believe factors that have a significant effect on one's outlook and beliefs. There are vast and distinct differences among the American people today, on various issues; I believe these are a manifestation of the impact those areas I mentioned above, in particular religion and politics, play in our lives. These differences among classes of people have created a vast chasm, and have divided this country, mainly along political and cultural lines. Of these beliefs and differences, there is one issue that I believe is far beyond and surpasses any other in value and gravity. I speak of the abomination of abortion, especially now at this time just prior to the November election and the catastrophic effects should Democrats claim victory, and further threaten the lives of the unborn in unabated genocide. Abortion is nothing new in the public discourse; it has been a thorn in the side of generations as far back as the Founding Fathers. Judge James Wilson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and a Supreme Court Justice, and considered a leading scholar of his day. On the subject of abortion and the Declaration of Independence’s stated inalienable “right to life”, he commented, Justice Wilson at the time believed that “life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb,” but modern science has proven that life begins at conception. One could only imagine what the good judge would think of this and of the Roe vs. Wade ruling, and the extent of the abortion industry today, and the tens of millions of the innocent slaughtered. And isn’t it telling how Democrats and the Left are constantly inferring that we should listen to the science, especially when dealing with the Coronavirus, but they are willfully ignorant, or oblivious, to the science of when life begins? But then they are entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and it is there that I say no, not in this case, for this sin transcends material, and I believe universal existence. After years of speaking out on this brutality and how Democrats and the Left, their supporters, and enablers in the media, have revealed such a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life that I have concluded that anyone who supports abortion has evil in their heart, mind, and soul, that they cannot be trusted, and that everything they say and do is a manifestation of a deep-seated darkness that dwells within each of them. This might sound rather extreme, but there it is, my opinion and belief, and I will add, where is the empathy for the most vulnerable? Some might say you go too far, and that every American has the right to think and believe differently than you or anyone else, and that a woman has a choice that has been ruled as acceptable by society and legal by the Supreme Court. And that many of these same people who support and defend this brutal act, otherwise lead good and decent lives, and have children of their own, and hopefully love and cherish them. I ask, in a heart that is darkened with the stain of abortion and the innocent lives lost, how deep is that love? With only one exception, the life of the mother, there can be no other excuse. Having written numerous articles on abortion, and read countless opinion pieces and a number of books, and listened to many debates ad Infinitum on the subject, I have often asked myself, does He feel betrayed, and will He at some point in time send down His wrath for the sins of humanity and its deadly barbarous behavior. Recently I came across a daily prayer book, a pocket-sized compendium of scripture readings and commentary for each day of the month. On one particular day, after reading one of the commentaries that spoke on abortion and the gospel, I can summarize it this way; in the last several generations the United States, and much of the world, has engaged in savagery and an unprecedented bloodbath, through chemical and surgical abortions, and other atrocities, displaying a blatant and callous disregard for the sanctity and dignity of human life. I’ll conclude here with this, the final sentence in the commentary, “If Almighty God does not inflict his wrath and destroy us for this gravest of sins; it is only right that He apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah.”
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