The Danger and Desperation of Liberal Progressive HatredIf we don't unite, with malice toward none, America will succumb to the corruption of demagogues and false prophets.August 31, 2020![]() The visceral hatred of Donald Trump that has manifested itself since his inception as president is beyond what some might excuse as typical of one’s detractors, and those who just don’t like the policies and persona of the individual. This emotional, and at times hysterical, reaction to the president has reduced the discourse to depths of depravity and is pathological. I would go so far as to say it is against the natural order, and has infested cultural mores. History will tell how one man brought into the lives of confused and desperate people, the capacity to harbor such an intense hatred for another human being; it is ungodly. It seems that President Trump has broken their spirit, and released negative energy and their innermost demons, and through his very existence caused their psyche to go through a transformation, even a metamorphosis. The hate continued and was on full display for the public’s consumption. By now most of us have read, heard or if you’re a glutton for punishment watched the Democratic convention and the embarrassing and cringe-worthy performance of Democrats and their supporters in the biased and subservient and sycophantic media and Hollywood. This was even more the case when former Vice President Biden gave his acceptance speech. The entirety of Biden’s supporters were on pins and needles, waiting with baited breathe that he would get through it and deliver an acceptable speech, which for the most part he did with the help of the teleprompter. But just about every sentence spoken by every speaker was the name Trump on the tip of their tongues, just waiting for the moment to expel it and the accompanying venomous bile. In the past, I have written about private conversations with acquaintances, who for want of a better description, think differently that I do. In most cases their dislike of the president was, although persuasive, rather moderate and acceptable by normal standards. While at the time these sit-downs did not in fact change any minds, I thought with the oncoming November election another get together with the same individuals would be a good idea to determine if their opinions had changed in any way. It took some convincing, schedules had to be adjusted, but dinner at a fancy outside eatery by the ocean was enough to entice these homebound liberals. I even chauffeured them from their homes to the restaurant. While on the way, like many taxi drivers, I attempted to engage the passengers in innocent conversation, but I guess like most elites, they wanted nothing to do with this commoner, and just nodded and spoke in almost whispers through their masks. We arrived at the restaurant; I had made reservations, and was seated posthaste. It was a fine summer day with few clouds; the air was fresh and sweet, and the waves crashed against the distant shore. Out at the horizon was what I believe to be a Navy trawler. The table settings were exquisite, and there was a candle in a crystal holder that glowed and released the scent of lavender. It was about 6:00 PM and the sun was beginning its descent in the western sky as we sat down to dinner. By now you might be asking, is all this descriptive information necessary and for what purpose; yes it is, and for a good reason. You would think that in this ideal setting, the mood and attitude of people would be positive and congenial. When you consider what all the American people have been through this year, you might tend to think they’d be receptive and at ease on an occasion like this. Think again. To say that nothing much has changed, except the intensity in their hatred, and the contempt of the president, would not be an exaggeration. Here were four intelligent people who could not come to grips with reality. For most of us, to try to understand would be an effort in futility. But I have concluded that there is reason. It is the fact that there are people, mainly on the left of the ideological spectrum, who are incapable of accepting differing opinions from their own. I believe they are like spoiled children who when they don’t get their way rant and rave and retaliate, perhaps a product of their upbringing and education, which indoctrinated them and closed their minds to other vistas. To say they were unhinged or deranged, without intending to be insulting or rude, would I believe be accurate. After a couple of hours of back and forth and my challenging each of them to explain their hatred and contempt for their president, they responded with the usual tropes and platitudes, and how he is not their president, and how his attitude and bravado and twittering disgusted them. I asked what about all that Christian forgiveness, redemption, and love, but they answered with smirks, while shoving morsels of food into their mouths. As they left the restaurant, I took care of the check and sadly resigned myself to the fact that these individuals, like many others, will probably never be satisfied no matter who the president. If it happens to be one to their liking, their psychosis may go through a withdrawal and then perhaps some sanity will prevail, but I doubt it. Mr. Trump has invaded their safe space, especially the one in their irrational minds. But then a ray of hope, the next day I got a call from Cynthia, one of the four; she explained how she was hesitant to agree with much of what I said, and that she doesn’t hate the president, and now feels she may even vote for Mr. Trump. Who knows, perhaps if I try harder, after a few more dinners, I could change another mind, you know, one at a time.
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