Honest Abe Would Say, "Leave Me Out Of This."The Lincoln Project is a group of Trump haters, so reckless and irrational, they prefer to support socialists.August 10, 2020![]() At what can be established as being at the forefront of this movement is a group called “The Lincoln Project.” Created December 17, 2019, by a group of political operatives, and named after the sixteenth president, this political action committee was founded by prominent individuals long associated with the Republican Party; these included its founders, George Conway, Reed Galen, Jennifer Horn, Steve Schmidt, Ron Steslow, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson. What makes this somewhat an uncomfortable irony is that George Conway is the husband of special adviser to President Trump, Kelly Ann Conway. The LP is intent in seeing to it that President Trump is not re-elected in 2020, even going so far as to voice their support of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, and they have also targeted several Republicans running for re-election in the Senate. What is most perplexing is that this group of never-Trump, if they have their way, would rather the Democratic mob, with all its radical and extreme positions on a host of issues, take over governance of this already divided and chaotic nation. The Lincoln Project, however, may not practice what it preaches about the president and his so-called transgressions. In a recent news report mention is made that Schmidt, Weaver, and Wilson may have had their own sordid questionable dealings with Russia and the IRS. Since its inception, according to the Federal Election Commission, the LP has taken in $19.4 million. This abundance of cash has allowed the LP to produce provocative TV ads on social media and cable news outlets against the president. National Review has dubbed the LP as the “Grifter Project,” while Republican Senator John Cornyn has dismissed them as nothing more than a “cabal of political consultants all in it for the money.” Without going into the extensive details of their peccadilloes, Weaver was registered as a Russian foreign agent for a uranium conglomerate. Although he has referred to the president as a “tax crook,” he has an outstanding tax lien in the amount of over $363,000 on his Austin Texas home. There is also a lawsuit against Weaver and his wife against a clothing store they own in Austin. The Lincoln Project is more a leftist movement that what it pretends to be. Rick Wilson, you may recall this is the same loudmouth bigot that I wrote about in a past article, the one who railed against Trump supporters on CNN, calling them in effect a bunch of mindless fools. Well, it seems that Wilson, a bestselling author also has a federal tax lien in the amount of over $389,000 on his home in Florida, which is now being foreclosed on by his bank. Wilson, like Weaver, has not allowed his money woes to leak out, allowing him to publicly castigate the president for not releasing his tax returns, calling Mr. Trump “Brokeahontas.” Wilson is also being sued by American Express for an unpaid credit card billing totaling over $25,000.00. As for Steve Schmidt, Utah records reveal that he is an “inactive voter,” and has not cast votes in two general elections; Schmidt disputes that contention. Hypocrisy, thy name is the Lincoln Project. And what are the Lincoln Project's guiding principles, its fundamental beliefs? We know they are in fact Trump deniers and haters, and they would do just about anything to have him removed from office, even if it means electing the Democratic candidate that will turn the nation over to a mob of leftists, socialists, and progressives; they’ve made this abundantly clear. As I’ve pointed out above the Lincoln Project has raked in over $19 million in less than a six month period. Three of the original founding members have problems financially, and in the case of Conway, personally. If I didn’t know any better, this was all about hate, money, and getting even. But even more egregious is the fact that this group of malcontents had the audacity to name their so-called political action committee after the 16th president whose name and reputation they tarnish.
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