Five Reasons Why Biden Will LoseBy Dan Perkins July 27, 2020![]() I have been listening to the media and their reporting of the Democrat's messages to the American people. I believe for various reasons that they are nowhere near to what the American people are really thinking. This commentary is designed to shed some light on certain Democratic points. I say why Joe Biden will lose and perhaps lose in a big way in November. When I repeat these points, many of you will be surprised at some of them and how I position them, so let's go: 1. How many Americans will go to the voting booth and pull the lever for more taxes? According to Gallup in a poll taken on April 2, 2020, only 3% of Americans said they are not paying enough. A vote for Joe is an affirmation that you want your taxes to go up. 2. How many Americans will go to the voting booth and pull the lever to defund the police? According to Rasmussen Reports, 57% of voters are not in favor of defunding the police. However, now 63% of Democrats are against defunding the police. 82% of voters believe that crime will go up if the police are defunded. 57% of black voters are opposed to defunding the police. 3. How many Americans will go to the voting booth and pull the lever to decrease their freedom of speech? In a recent Rasmussen survey, 65% of eligible voters said that political correctness is killing free speech. The left says if you don't agree with us, then your opinions don't count. American free speech is essential, and the left desperately wants to take it away. 4. How many Americans will go to the voting booth and vote for socialists or communists? NBC News and the Wall Street Journal polled Americans about supporting socialism or communism; only 18% of Americans say that they view socialism positively. 5. After a year of Joe Biden's absent-minded presidential campaign, the liberal media are still pretending like he's lucid, coherent, and fit to be president. Obama's former White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, whose opinion matters, Speaking on 'The Kyle Olson Show,' said Biden's mind is shot and that he is completely incapable of handling the presidential duties. He was not only the White House physician for Barack Obama, but also for Donald Trump. "I think he's got some cognitive issues. As a concerned American who also happens to be a physician, I'm just going to say it concerns me that he sometimes is not able to complete a sentence, not really know where he's at or what he's doing, and we've seen that countless times now," said Jackson. I'm sure you can come up with additional issues that will impact the results of the election, but I believe these 5 are the strongest for President Trump to run on for reelection. In summary, I believe the choices are simple: Do you want to pay more taxes? Do you want to get rid of the police? Do you want somebody else to tell you what you can think and say? Do you think America should be a socialist or a communist county? Can Joe Biden handle the duties as President of the United States? One other issue has to be addressed. Even if President Trump wins and wins big, and the Republicans win the House and the Senate, the left will reject the American people's decision. They will make outlandish claims like they did in 2016, claiming Russian interference once again in the outcome of the election. America may speak loud and clear and elect Mr. Trump, but the left will never agree with you. Make sure your voice is heard by voting; make sure you are registered to vote; don't wait until the last minute.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is You can find more info about Dan and his works at Visit Dan Perkins's website at