November Can't Come Soon EnoughThe battle lines are drawn, sides have been chosen, and as November approaches, where do you stand?July 20, 2020![]() Streets are being defaced with graffiti in big yellow letters spelling out the words Black Lives Matter, and the mayor of New York City sanctioned and partook of this desecration, in defiance of the president, on Fifth Avenue right in front of Trump Tower. This petty, vindictive, and divisive stunt will one day soon have negative consequences when this city is in need of federal funds, who will this fraud of mayor turn to? There is one aspect of this insipid event that I do support, and that is those big yellow letters deface the gutter, which is where they belong with the rest of the trash. While this insanity persists, crime across the country in major Democrat cities is rising significantly; in New York City shootings have increased by 56%, and killings are up 26%. Children are being slaughtered in numbers unseen in modern times; the only other venue that exceeds this are the innocent unborn being deprived of life in abortion mills that have remained in business during the virus with the consent of Democrat governors and mayors. Recent Supreme Court decisions have ruled sanctuary cities and the mainly Hispanic immigrants they harbor are ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court. The radical LGBTQ movement is the “pride” of New York City. And yet one elderly gentleman down in Florida, a Trump supporter, yells out at a bunch of useless protesters “White Power,” and the Democrats and Trump-hating leftist media are bent out of shape. So, what’s wrong with White Power, if it weren’t for white power, where would this country be today, and the world for that matter? As I compose this article the Supreme Court has just handed down another ruling, in Trump v. Vance, which gives the New York City District Attorney for the southern district the right to procure the president’s tax and business records. This, if it ever happens, will not be before the November elections. The Court denied the House Democrat this same request in Trump v. Mazars. And on Friday, July 10, the president commuted the sentence of his friend and advisor Roger Stone, and all hell broke loose. By this time most of the American people should be aware of the political and ideological bias of a majority of the mainstream media. Their constant and unabated insults and criticisms, and fake news, directed at Mr. Trump have become pathological. I often wonder, and this may sound rather simplistic and off the wall, but has it ever occurred to these leftists to stop, think, and ask if is this really journalism that they practice? Have they even considered how they appear to the people each day in the articles, editorials, and cable talk, and do they even care? The daily attacks on the president over the last four years have, I believe, reached the pinnacle of derangement. The name-calling and insults, and their apparently deep-seated hatred of this one man - it’s not sane and reasonable. And so I must ask, do they go home at night and find themselves thinking of Mr. Trump, and is he living rent-free in their minds? Is their animosity for the president so intense that it is has an effect on their families and home life? Do they find themselves sitting alone, sulking and filled with anxiety and frustration, and envisioning the president being marched out of the White House in handcuffs along with his family? All that is happening in America today in one way or another is political. Democrats and the media have launched a concerted and calculated effort to insinuate into their reporting on all issues - the virus, George Floyd, Roger Stone, the president’s speech at Mount Rushmore, etc. editorials and commentary that they hope will affect the November elections, even if it means distorting anything the president will say or do. So get ready friends, the next four months will be like in the classic movie, a “Clash of the Titans,” and we should rise from our respective places, and shout out “Release the Cracken." In this case, President Donald Trump must get his footing back and rise above the fray and destroy the last remaining vestige of a once reasonable political party that has been transformed into a ruthless mob.
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