A Virus, Demonstrations, Protests, Riots, Statues, Military Bases, Oh MyThe Coronavirus is still with us, and the Culture War intensifies, pitting the radical left against traditional America.June 22, 2020![]() Lives have been lost, among both police and civilians, livelihoods destroyed, and most of it has nothing to do with Mr. Floyd’s death. But what it did do was to give the radical left the spark they have been waiting for, to ignite a fire under an already divided, frustrated, and hypersensitive nation. While still in the throes of the Coronavirus, and now with the destruction of cities, major urban centers, at the hands of radical Antifa leftist thugs, looters, and thieves, and the uninformed and ignorant, America is in turmoil and her people are crying out for an end to all the violence, divisiveness, and hate-filled rhetoric; let us get back to some semblance of normalcy and life as we once knew it. The mob and grievance industry, however, have taken control of the streets. Black Lives Matter has taken central stage in protests and demonstrations, and has newfound legitimacy across the country. Shouts of defund, dismantle, or a less aggressive approach, to reform the police, could be heard across the spectrum by politicians, the media, and signs carried by protestors as they block traffic and cause pandemonium in the streets. Recent polls however reveal over 60% of Americans are against any reduction in funding law enforcement in general. What I believe is a good case for a diagnosis of cognitive dissonance, and that has become a national disgrace and embarrassment for this nation in the eyes of the world, is watching weak, confused Caucasians bowing to the mob. Getting down on their knees and begging blacks for forgiveness for some misguided perception of white privilege, in some cases washing the feet of black people. In one town that shall remain nameless, a large group of whites virtue-signaling their moral 'wokeness,' surrendered their dignity and honor on the altar of collective white liberal guilt in its entire self-flagellation and audacity. What is most egregious is that even those you would hope should know better got down on their knees at the behest of the mob, so as to quell any further discord and potential violence. In one case an NYPD lieutenant, along with several other officials, knelt with Floyd protestors. The following day this same lieutenant issued an apology on social media to his police officer brethren that stated “I know that it was wrong (kneeling) and something I will be ashamed and humiliated about for the rest of my life”. At least he gained back some of his dignity. Someone [Rahm Emanuel] said, “Never let a crisis go to waste...” And what would a crisis be, and all the mayhem and in many cases faux outrage that it brings with it, without that essential element which is one of the topmost issues on the minds of the radical left. It began in Charlottesville, Virginia when protests erupted over statues of Civil War figures, and has never really stopped since. The destruction of statues: Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, all things confederate, the renaming of military bases and institutions of learning, revising history; none of these things have anything to do with the death of George Floyd or any other victim of so-called police brutality. The ignorance of those who desecrated and destroyed statues was revealed when some of the monuments, had these thugs knew their history, were of figures who were anti-slavery, and in one particular case an abolitionist. This is all a manifestation of a culture in moral and social decline, and is supported by an agenda that seeks to undermine and eventually destroy the significance and the contributions of Western Civilization and the Judeo-Christian heritage of this nation. It is an ignoble cause by radical leftists and their enablers in politics, big business, and the media to remove all vestiges of the West from history. The Coronavirus, George Floyd, death, destruction, violence, a nation in chaos - all of this can be quite unsettling and cause for concern among the American people, for their families, the future, and fate of this great country. So to lighten the moment and give you something, hopefully, to smile about, I offer this. I was perplexed at the photo, and the absurd antics of Congressional Democrats when they knelt in the Congress with heads bowed, for what they claimed was to honor George Floyd. We should all know by now that Democrats are the most ruthless, calculating, and uncompassionate creatures on the planet. So I asked myself, what really could the kneelers possibly be thinking, and some thoughts came to mind:
Stay strong, keep the faith, and we will get through this - we’re Americans.
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