The Face Mask - Protection in More Ways Than OneDo not discount reasons other than protection from the Coronavirus for the use of face masks.June 1, 2020![]() One of the protocols handed down by the experts is that the people wear face masks for the immediate need for protection from the virus. But consider this, I believe there may be a group of people that welcome the mask, and it is their hope that it becomes a staple in American life; I speak of those who suffer from the dreaded condition of halitosis. Smokers, those with poor personal hygiene, substance abusers, fast-food junkies; I don’t have to explain to anyone how offensive and distasteful it is to have to accommodate the presence of anyone with bad breath. Now there could be other valid reasons, physical conditions that bring on this malady, such as problems with the teeth and gums or perhaps something internal; we should commiserate with those who suffer for these reasons, and they should not be disparaged or ostracized for something they may not be able to control. There is however another faction who might also have to deal with this rotten egg, sulfur-like, malady, only this group’s contagion is psychologically contracted, the result of their ideologically-driven obsessions. I speak of Democrats and the left-wing, whose anger, hate, and expressions are some of the vilest and most noxious you will ever have the misfortune to encounter. Have you ever wondered why it is mostly Democrats and their supporters and enablers in the media that insist the economy and businesses remain closed. Aside from their political motivations, they want the face covering to remain, to not only protect from the virus, but also to mask the foul and corrupt odor that emanates from the holes in their faces, and for how rancid and hostile to the senses their words are. By now some of you may have concluded this guy is ribbing you, and to an extent you’d be right, but then again why would it be so unbelievable? However, consider this, the breath may bring forth odors that are found to be repulsive, and cause some to back away or make an excuse to end a conversation. It would be a good thing if halitosis didn’t exist, but it does, and who is to say that which is emitted from the mouths of the unhinged left isn’t as rank and foul as is that from the regular halitosis sufferer. Consider this also, aside from the virus, there could be another imminent danger that presents itself and might be just as harmful. Democrats and those on the unhinged left, in most cases, might not have suffered from foul breath in the past, but now while their mouths are covered and they continue their breathless hate-filled tirades, there could be a buildup of rank, putrefaction of a combustible nature beneath the mask, and from that an outward blast the likes of which we have never before known. This could be a new cause for halitosis. So be careful whenever you’re in the presence of the deranged Left, they could pose a threat to your safety and health. Stand at a distance away from ground zero, for the blast could very well foul you.
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