We're All in this Together? No - Not Really.America is a divided nation, and unless we unite the future looks bleak for those who follow.May 11, 2020![]() As far as I’m concerned, and you can call me cynical, no, we are not “all” in this together. Perhaps in this divided nation, whether broken down by ideology, political preference, religion, race, ethnicity, each group considers itself as being all in this together. But from one group to another, they might as well be of a different species, or inhabit distant planets. The disagreement among people from different groups, especially ideological and political, is significant, and even a deadly virus cannot unite us in confronting this menace. There can be little doubt that most of the vituperation is emerging from the liberal establishment, in the Democratic Party, mainstream media, and the entertainment industry. These groups have one thing in common, aside from ideology, and that is their unfathomable and fanatical hatred of the president and his supporters, and they have proven just how recalcitrant they are, and how hopeless a case it is that there is nothing, no national emergency, life-threatening virus, perhaps even an alien extraterrestrial invasion that can convince these people that we are stronger when united. It has become quite apparent just how hostile these groups can be when the presidential daily briefings are held. It has gotten so intense at times with members of the press that these informative sessions have been scaled back. There is usually one or more questions posed to the president from opposition news outlet representatives that are meant to embarrass or accuse the president of fabricating information, while some have even gone so far as to insinuate that he is culpable in the deaths of Americans who have fallen victim of the virus. With some exceptions, very few at that, the print and social media, network, and cable news, are each in their own way exacerbating the divide in America. The Coronavirus has given added fuel to the fire that was ignited on January of 2017. The unhinged effort to unseat a duly elected president has taken on a new element in the form of deadly accelerant that feels no compassion or empathy, takes no side nor prisoner. Comments and accusations made by those on the Left are inflammatory, despicable, and are beneath contempt. Of course, past presidents and administrations have had to withstand their share of criticisms and harsh treatment by the opposition party, their supporters, and the media, but they cannot compare to what the current occupant of the White House and his family are subjected to. Even though the president has in effect bent over backward to give to the state of New York all that it pleaded for and more, the hospital ship Comfort, thousands of ventilators (most never used), established a unit for the virus-infected in a local hospital - it was still not enough. To this day the governor and mayor of NYC are still complaining; they want more money. An example of the rank hostility and intolerance is what occurred in New York City. Franklin Graham’s Samaritans Purse set up a field hospital in Central Park. It accommodated a number of beds for the care of those infected with the Coronavirus. From the moment this charitable organization arrived, the mayor and local LGBTQ radical element decried Graham and his magnanimous effort. Why? Because as a Christian he believes in the biblical definition of marriage, one man, one woman. After their work was done, upon leaving, the speaker of the city council, a homosexual, stated “good riddance.” Regrettably, we are not all in this together. There is a great wall that separates us, and it seems it is impenetrable. If we cannot unite in word and deed against COVID-19, then let us just say, for the sake of the children and those who have become emotionally and mentally aggrieved and susceptible to the virus, “We will stand strong and steadfast against a common enemy.” Edmond Burke wrote, “Men (and women) of intemperate minds cannot be free, their passions forge their fetters.” America has come a long way over the past two centuries, and I believe in that journey people have united for any number of reasons, and all for the common good. You would think that in this unprecedented, hopefully brief period in our history, we can put aside differences and fight a common enemy; lives and the future depend on it.
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