Is This Our Preview of National Socialism...Neighbor Ratting Out Neighbor?The Gestapo and KGB would be proud. The rest of us…not so much.By Ric Wasley May 11, 2020The Gestapo and KGB would be proud. The rest of us… not so much Back in the bad old days in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia the Gauleiters and Commissars encouraged and rewarded those who ratted out their fellow citizens for not obeying whatever arbitrary rules and mandatory dictates the state and politburos put in place to ensure a cowed and docile population of groveling serfs. In Nazi Germany they were called "Blockleiters," and in the USSR they were referred to as "zampolit," and under Mao the "zhengwei." But in all cases, their function was the same - to spy on and inform on their neighbors and report anyone who dared to exhibit the slightest trace of individualism. Oh, they said it was to keep everyone safe - and obeying the dictates of the leaders. Sound familiar? Because under the guise of ‘social distancing and ‘it’s for your own good,' Democrat governors and Blue State busybodies have been reprising the activities of their National Socialist heroes by snitching on their neighbors for any real or imagined grievance concerning social distancing and conformity rules. Just like their earlier sneaking counterparts in Germany, Russia, and China, they are only too happy to avail themselves of some good old fashioned National Socialist Schadenfreude at the expense of their fellow citizens. After all - there are the 'rules.' Especially if those rules have been put in place by their Democrat leaders and the party-run media. For weren’t all the rules, laws, dos and don’ts, musts and must nots, put there by our ‘betters’ for own ‘good’? Poor benighted fools that we are - don’t we require those all-knowing politburo leaders, oligarchs, and elites to tell us what to do? After all - it’s for “our own good.” Isn’t that what the elites and oligarchs keep telling us? Well, of course. Because “We’re all in this together.” Or are we? If we are, then why do we need someone telling us what to do for ‘our own good’? And why do they need an army of rats and snitches to make their beneficent rules work… for ‘our own good’? Remember when we looked at the fascists and communists and National Socialists and said, “Whew! I’m so glad I live in America. At least it can’t happen here.” Yeah…Or can it? Of course, in order for it to happen here, you would at first need to have a large part of the population ready, willing, and able to act as petty little Commissars and Blockleiters willing to turn their spite and envy into snitching on anyone who doesn’t obey their parties rules. But here in America do we really have people like that? Do we have any political party who wants to force everyone to behave, think, speak, and act as they do? Do we have any political party that wants to destroy the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of speech, religion, assembly - the right to bear arms - and a free press? Do we have any political party that wants to use the law to punish their enemies but puts their own corrupt leaders above the law? Do we have any political party that wants to destroy the very country it pretends to represent? Now, don't get me wrong. This is not an endorsement of irresponsible behavior, and certainly not a denial of the fact that this is certainly a very dangerous and virulent virus. I am all in favor of social distancing, masks, and everything that an individual feels is prudent to do on an individual basis to protect oneself. But there is the key - it should be up to the individual as to how to respond, not any government panel or an army of snitches. Because that has always been the strength of America - respect for the individual to make their own choice - not the state, elites, or a cadre of informants. Sadly now we have a growing movement of people who seem to want one party to order not just their lives but the lives of everyone 'for their own good' - whether they want it or not. Well, perhaps the next time we hear someone rat out their neighbor or complain that we need more rules and regulations to tell us how to live, act, and think we should turn around and ask them what political party they belong to. I can guarantee that we won’t be surprised.
Ric Wasley is a writer and lecturer, as well as the author of the popular McCarthy Mystery Series. Ric has had a 40 year professional career history in advertising, publishing and marketing in Boston, New York and San Francisco. He has degrees in history and psychology and has been trained in debating, public speaking and stage acting. A large part of his 40 year career was spent in numerous professional and business settings as a presenter and featured speaker at seminars and professional meetings. Ric has been a visiting professor at Worcester Polytech Institute. He also teaches a popular course on marketing for authors at prominent venues such as the venerable “Cape Cod Writers Conference.” Wasley has been involved in both print and broadcast media as well as writing for business and commercial markets for over 30 years and continues to consult for a major media company. In addition to his novels and short stories, he has been published in several literary magazines. Wasley currently divides his time between Boston and his home on Cape Cod where he continues to write, lecture and create worlds where the unexpected thrives.