Bringing Some Perspective to COVID-19Death is with us each and every day. The Coronavirus has taken thousands of lives, but Americans persevere.April 20, 2020![]() We are at war, and the enemy that now confronts us takes no prisoners, you either survive its onslaught to live another day or you succumb to its ravages. When it goes into battle its means of offense does not involve bullets or bombs, the usual weaponry of war, but is itself the weapon, a lifeless deadly pathogen that invades the human body without any immediate sign, until its forces reach their destination. It challenges our stamina and strength of body, mind, and spirit, and is relentless in its pursuit of its victim, the human race. As the Trump administration takes measures, holds daily briefings, and for the most part is taking the appropriate action to defeat what seems an unrelenting enemy, the president’s detractors in the Democratic Party and mainstream media, even at a time of national crisis, cannot unify around the Commander-in-chief, and instead take every opportunity to undermine and disparage Mr. Trump. The Democrats, in their reckless and power-hungry attempts to further divide the nation and mislead the American people, have called to arms the usual suspects including Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer. Together with a rogue’s gallery of reprobate Democrats, they have started committees, one to oversee the dispersing of the 2-trillion-plus-dollar assistant funds, and another with subpoena power to oversee the administration’s efforts to defeat the Coronavirus. It is apparent that their goal is to create a climate of fear and uncertainty, and at some point even make another attempt to impeach the president with some concocted charade of a reason, and do this before the November election. In the midst of all the nefarious schemes, uncertainty, fear, and division, each day the people resign themselves to their homes and listen to the grim and heart-wrenching statistics of those of their fellow countrymen and women infected or have fallen to the deadly enemy. Without diminishing the gravity and threat of COVID-19, it might be a good idea to understand and become familiar with how things, for want of a better term, stack up. Not that it will make you feel any better, but it may give you some needed perspective to know what else goes on in America and around the world. There are several websites that are constantly monitoring statistics and numbers in real-time on an array of issues that you might find some interest in, and that will give you some perspective. According to World-O-Meters-info, for the first three months of 2020, January through March, following are, forgive my morbidity, death categories in a world with a population of 7,775,780,020: * Communicable disease deaths - 3,295,282 * Seasonal flu deaths - 123,416 * Children under five deaths - 1,929,453 * Mothers during pregnancies deaths - 78,459 * HIV -AIDS deaths - 426,770 * Cancer deaths - 2,084,770 * Malaria deaths - 248,988 * Cigarette smoking deaths - 1,268,956 * Alcohol deaths - 634,878 * Suicide deaths - 272,205 * Traffic deaths - 342,658 * Hunger - 2,382,324 * Coronavirus - 27,297 * Abortions - 10,789,493 - Note: that is 8 figures, over 10 Million deaths by the "choice" of someone. Millions of people succumb, one way or another, to death that seems to be quite common throughout the world. Keep in mind these numbers cover only a three month period. And do take particular note of the number of abortions, which far exceed any of the other categories. Accurate figures for these categories for the United States have not been compiled, and are not yet available. As of this writing the Coronavirus has taken 18,331 American lives. [Ed. Note: As of 4/19/20, now up to 39,103 reported American deaths.] Let us hope and pray that we defeat this scourge, and that one day soon, we will all once again walk in the sun.
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