Life and Pain Saving Measures Voted Down by DemocratsThe inhumanity and contempt by Democrats toward the innocent unborn, reveals their acceptance of infanticide and pain.March 16, 2020![]() The opening verses read: The week of February 24 was revelatory, and a disappointment for the pro-life cause, and should go down as a dark period in American history that revealed the heartlessness, inhumanity, and depravity of a national political party. This should come as no surprise to the people who have witnessed over the last several decades the devolution of the party of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, the Democrats. Legislation for The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act came before the Senate and was defeated by the Democrats, 56(R)-41(D) and 53(R)-44(D) respectively. Republicans failed to get the sixty votes super-majority needed to this pass legislation. There were three Democrat exceptions who voted for the Born Alive Act - Bob Casey (PA), Doug Jones (AL), and Joe Manchin (WV). There were no Democrats who voted for the Pain-Capable Act, with the exception of Casey and Manchin. Presidential candidates Senators Klobachur, Sanders, and Warren did not vote while out campaigning. The Born-Alive Act would call for life-saving measures for babies who are born out of a failed abortion and would establish criminal penalties and consequences for any abortionist who fails to provide the necessary medical care to save the life of the infant. The Pain-Capable Act prohibits late-term abortions after 20 weeks, where it has been scientifically determined that life in the womb can feel the pain of the abortionist after 20 weeks. The Pain-Capable Act was introduced for consideration by Senator Ben Sasse (R-NB). In a statement on the floor of the Senate, Sasse voiced his earnest plea, “This body ought to be able to stand 100 to zero against barbarism.” And “It’s inhuman and passive infanticide, and the senate should today condemn and prohibit that practice.” Sasse also stated that this is not about overturning or restricting Roe vs. Wade. The Heritage Foundation’s research associate Melanie Israel in a recent commentary spoke about how the two pieces of legislation should not be controversial, and that “Treating a baby born after an attempted abortion with the care provided to any other newborn should not be controversial in a civilized society.” In a statement Senator Ted Cruz (R) Texas criticized Democrats for their opposition to both legislations, “Today Democrats had an opportunity to stand on the side of Science, to stand on the side of reason and to stand on the side of precious life, instead Democrats stood on the side of barbarity, cruelty, continuing their tradition of neglecting moral responsibility in the name of their radicalized, pro-abortion agenda.” Senator Patty Murray (D) Washington State called the legislations ‘anti-doctor, anti-women, and anti-family.” According to CNN a baby who survives an abortion is a “Fetus that was born.” Go figure. Democrats whenever confronted with the stark reality of infanticide have usually explained that it doesn’t happen. However, the Center for Disease Control issued a report that revealed from 2003-2014 there were in excess of 143 infants, which they believe was an underestimate, which died after being born alive following an unsuccessful abortion procedure. The CDC believes at least 170 additional cases of infants born alive have been documented - that’s over 300 - but could not confirm if in fact any of the babies survived. Only eight states report on infants born alive. And then there’s Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has blocked efforts 80 times in the House of Representatives to bring the Born Alive legislation to the floor. There are two new polls from both Marist and Gallup that reveal a strong opposition by the American people to abortion on demand. In the Marist poll, 62% (6 in 10) say if the Supreme Court revisits Roe vs. Wade it should allow each state to determine its abortion policy with any restrictions 46%, and make abortion illegal 16%. And 33% feel abortion should be allowed any time without restrictions. Gallup found that 58% of the American people have stated their frustration and dissatisfaction with current abortion laws, and want stricter limits or banning abortion entirely. The last verse of “Silent Scream” reads,
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