They Kicked Minorities, Women, and Even the Homosexual to the CurbNow the “Party of Diversity” Will decide Between Two Angry Old White MenMarch 9, 2020![]() This is one they can’t blame on Trump. The Democrats always say they want diversity. They patted themselves on the back when their original slate included a homosexual, blacks, Latinos, and women. They were so proud of themselves. They felt so righteous. But they didn’t vote for them. Democrats love to blame anything and everything that they don’t like on our president. But this is all on them. If they really cared about “diversity” the two last contenders would be a black woman (probably Kamala Harris) running against the pervert, Mayor Pete. But very few voted for the “diversity” candidates or the “outsiders” they claim to love. Instead, most of them cast their votes for two dinosaur parasites who have lived off the government for their entire careers. Neither of them has ever accomplished anything, except that they have talked a lot. Bernie Sanders moved to tiny Vermont specifically to get into politics. He was elected mayor of a town there, and moved into state politics. Then, because Vermont only has one Representative and two Senators, he managed to muscle his way onto the national stage. He has never authored or passed a significant piece of legislation, and has spent all his time in office extolling the virtues of Socialism and Communism, and praising monstrous dictators like Fidel Castro. Oh, and he has promised everybody free everything. His only attempt at explaining how he can give away trillions of dollars is to say, “Billionaires shouldn’t exist.” He didn’t explain how he would make that happen – perhaps he’ll kill them all, or more likely just take all their money from them. (He is only a millionaire, so perhaps he is just jealous.) Joe Biden has done even less than Sanders. He was in Congress for decades, and, like Sanders, he never authored or passed a significant piece of legislation. His sole accomplishment was that he convinced the Democrat Party bosses to force him on Obama as his running mate. They thought a freshman senator might need some help from someone who had actually served in government - an amazingly logical conclusion for the Democrat National Committee. As Obama’s Veep he did – nothing. Well, he did make tens of millions of corrupt dollars using his position, and he provided America with quite a few laughs with his non-stop gaffes. But today, as he runs for president for the tenth (or is it twentieth?) time, he takes credit for everything Obama did. His one claim to justify his candidacy is his continual reference to his imaginary “friend,” Barrack. Since they are such close friends, it seems strange that Obama has not endorsed him, or even said a single kind word about his candidacy. So the “Party of Diversity” has left Democrats with two choices. One is not even a member of the Democrat Party. Although he is a registered Independent, he unashamedly refers to himself as a Democratic Socialist. He loves Communism so much that he took his bride to Moscow for their honeymoon. I actually feel sorry for the other choice. Biden is definitely losing it. Forget the gaffes. In just this campaign he has forgotten the state he was in seven times; he confused his sister for his wife; he has said he was running for the Senate; then he said he was running for re-election; and he even accidentally endorsed Donald Trump. I really don’t think he would last a year with all the pressures of the White House, so the Dems had better choose a good running mate for him. And choose they will. The party bosses, for whatever reason, have decided that they want Biden. And what they want, they get. The great majority of Democrats think they choose their candidates, but it is actually the “Super Delegates” who have the final say. These are mostly tired old-timers like the Clintons who used to hold public office. They can outvote all the delegates and override the votes of millions of Democrats who worked tirelessly and gave generously to their candidate. The Super Delegates want Biden because they can control him. They have already picked his vice-presidential running mate; he will have no say in the matter. It will almost certainly be a black woman so they can try to reclaim their status as “diverse.” I seriously doubt they will commit suicide by running the homosexual next to the doddering Biden – he would probably say something in public like, “Just exactly what do you and your ‘husband’ do in bed?” Think that’s crazy? Remember when he tried to get the man in the wheelchair to stand and take a bow? During this campaign, in the middle of a speech, he wandered down memory lane and talked about how everyone admired his “hairy legs” when he was a lifeguard a hundred years ago. He referred to Super Tuesday, the most important day of any presidential campaign, as “Super Thursday.” Then, in a gaffe-riddled 7-minute speech on Saturday in Missouri Biden inexplicably declared himself to be an "O'Biden Bama" Democrat, and went on to declare: "We cannot get -- re-elect -- we cannot win this re-election -- excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump -- if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here." In the past he has been fairly neutral with regards to the second amendment. He said he owned a shotgun, and shot it into the woods from his porch when he “heard something.” But now he is beholden to The Squad and all the other wackos of the Green New Deal, so he has to hate guns. He bizarrely claimed that 150 million Americans have died from gun violence. That’s half the nation. I wander why we haven’t heard about this before – and where they’re all buried. If by some miracle he were to be elected, his VP would be the one in power. Biden would acquiesce to this because he so desperately wants to be president – even if it is in name only, and even if it is only for a year or two. The Democrat Party is so corrupt that one third of all the delegates are Super Delegates who are supposed to “vote their consciences.” Yet in the 2016 election over half of them publicly announced that they would vote for Hillary while the primaries were still ongoing. That’s when Sanders knew they had betrayed him and that he had no chance, no matter how many Democrats voted for him in the primaries. And they’re doing it again in the 2020 election. Yes, Republicans have Super Delegates, as well. But they only make up 7% of all the delegate votes, and they are required to vote the way the states they represent voted. Super Delegates shouldn’t be allowed at all – they are most certainly unconstitutional. But the Republicans haven’t allowed the Super Delegate system to corrupt their party as the Democrats have. I’ll leave you with a cheerful thought. Given that Biden often can’t remember where he is and to whom he is speaking, imagine this. He goes to Saudi Arabia, and while he bows deeply before the King as his “friend” Obama did, he says, “It’s an honor to visit you here in Israel, Mr. Netanyahu.” INTERNET RESOURCES: Biden Threatens National Democrats with Jail over Size of his Name on Poster 19 of Crazy Bernie’s Crazy Plans Biden Loses it on Camera After a Reporter Calls Him Out on a Repeated Lie Democrat Party Throws Crazy Bernie Under the Bus
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