Libido DiminuendiDemocrats have neglected their responsibilities and constituents to destroy a president. They must be defeated.February 24, 2020![]() Did you hear that collective sigh of relief Wednesday, February 05? Perhaps you weren’t listening or paying attention, you had long since tuned out and reached a point where you just didn’t care anymore, or you were too busy supporting and taking care of family and dealing with life’s vicissitudes. Well anyway, it did happen, after over three years of divisive, reckless, and ruthless behavior by a mob of hate-filled Democrats and their media enablers, the impeachment of President Trump came to an end with what we all knew would be an acquittal in the Senate. And if you didn’t hear the sighs, then you must have heard the cries of foul and shouts of condemnation for the president and Republicans. Those of us who did take notice were witness to what can only be described as a national disgrace that was seen and heard around the world. Demagogues and false prophets were out in force. Each and every day, they neglected and betrayed the concerns and ambitions of the American people; they denied their responsibilities and obligations of elective office and journalistic integrity for the sole purpose of destroying a president, and his family. The hopes and dreams of the nattering nabobs - Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Gerald Nadler, and Chuck Schumer, all big-city liberal Democrats and the ringleaders of this sham and attempted coup - never came to fruition, and faded into the mists of time and history, never again to surface, maybe. Since the acquittal, however, there have been sounds by the same petulant, desperate, and disappointed players issuing subpoenas to John Bolton, and Rudy Giuliani. Congressman Schiff, in what sounded like a sketch right out of Saturday Night Live, went so far as to suggest that he thought that the president will cheat in 2020, and even offer Alaska to the Russians for their help. Yes, you read that correctly. Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York, head of the Oversight and Reform Committee, the lead investigative panel in the House made this statement: “The investigation and oversight will continue, we’ve got several cases.”The Democrats just can’t let it go, their hatred festers and runs deep, their minds so ingrained with the need to bring this president down that they have become unhinged and are deranged. At the state of the union, we witnessed Nancy Pelosi’s unusual, even for her, behavior and what seemed surreal state of mind. She muttered and shoveled paper as the president delivered his speech, and when he finished she stood and tore up her copy of the speech. The assembled Democrats remained seated most of the night, even for the human interest stories that were heartwarming and compelling. Since 2018, while in the midst of all this constant impeachment mayhem, Democratic candidates for the presidency have been canvassing the country to make their positions and ambitions known to the people. The policies and agenda they promised fulfilled all the desires a tried and true progressive and socialist could hope for, and just about anything and everything government largess could afford, and then some. In all the activity over the last two weeks, the president and trade agreements, impeachment, acquittal, the Iowa caucus fiasco and then on to New Hampshire, there were incidents that occurred with each of the candidates that were not so unusual or laughable that they deserve any attention here. Yes, there was former Vice President Biden’s inane comment to a young 21-year-old female college student he accused of lying, he called her a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” When asked the origin of this phrase, Biden said it came from a John Wayne movie, but this cannot be proven as yet. There was an encounter, however, that I believe spoke volumes, but as far as I can determine has received little attention and media coverage. It involved a Buttigieg campaign worker who was interviewing a local New Hampshire caucus participant. The lady appeared to be middle-aged, seemed pleasant, and was smiling and seemed happy to be involved in the political activities. I did not hear the entire interview, but when asked by the campaign worker who this lady was supporting, she responded that she has not decided yet. The campaign worker then brought Buttigieg into the conversation and asked what the lady thought of a President Buttigieg in the White House with his husband. The lady looked confused and asked what do you mean, husband, the worker responded that Buttigieg was gay and married to a man. The lady asked if is this a joke, the worker replied "No." The lady responded, "Well I want nothing to do with that," and the interview ended. Democrats have little, if any, idea of what Americans in the states between the oceans believe and will accept. This lady is a Democrat, and for whatever reason, was unaware of Buttigieg’s marital status, perhaps even that he was gay, and I believe she is not alone. I also believe that when voters review the Democratic candidates, and their socialism, homosexuality, extremism, and radical abortion positions, many will, if they are Democrats, moderates, and Independents, hold their noses and vote for and reelect President Trump. The candidates, with the exception of Amy Klobachur, who stands no chance to win the primary, do not speak the same language as traditional America, they just don’t communicate.
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