An Embattled President Defies His EnemiesSince taking office Donald Trump has been under constant assault, yet he has weathered the storm and perseveres.January 6, 2020![]() For the last three years, every effort was made to undermine and destroy Mr. Trump, his business, and family. He was under siege by Democrats and their supporters, the media, special investigators, lawyers, attorneys general, the left-wing, pundits, professors, Hollywood, late-night talk show hosts and their ribald comedy, a pseudo-whistleblower, FBI, CIA, and even psychologists. This president has had to withstand the slings and arrows of the outraged never-Trump and leftist haters. Attorney General Bill Barr is quoted as saying, “Our nation was turned on its head for three years based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by a completely irresponsible press.” That sums it up. The president's social and ideological enemies all came charging over the hill brandishing weapons and accusations of collusion, obstruction of justice, the Russians, falsified FISA warrants, congressional committee hearings, accusations, fake news, incompetence, the 25th amendment, wiretaps, and everything but the kitchen sink. There were casualties among those who surrounded candidate, then president, Donald Trump; and some were collateral damage. They included Retired General Michael Flynn/ National Security Adviser, Paul Manafort/ Campaign Chairman, Roger Stone/ Campaign Adviser, Rick Gates/ Campaign Official, Michael Cohen/ long time Trump lawyer, George Papadopolas/ Campaign Foreign Policy Adviser. I won’t go into the particulars of the fate of each of these men; suffice it to say, they were punished and their livelihoods put in jeopardy, possibly destroyed. There were others, about 35, of lesser prominence. After Ms. Pelosi’s announcement, if you listened closely enough you could hear the collective sigh of relief from the never-Trump and the haters - their hopes and dreams finally came to fruition. There were cheers and for the first time in years, they seemed happy, for now anyway. But there was a certain amount of dismay and apprehension when Speaker Pelosi decided not to present the articles of impeachment, obstruction of congress and abuse of power, to the senate. As of this writing, all involved have gone home for the Christmas holiday. While this attempted coup d’état of the presidency was being staged by Democrats, the media, swamp dwellers and the rest of his enemies, Mr. Trump defied them all, concentrating his energies with the business of the people, and in fact getting things done. Here is a partial list of accomplishments: * The largest package of tax cuts and reforms in history signed into law. * 4 million jobs created since the election. * More Americans are now employed than any time in the history of this nation. * 400,000 manufacturing jobs created. * Economic growth in the third quarter 4.2%. * Unemployment claims reached their lowest number in 50 years. * Median household income has hit the highest level ever recorded. * African-American, Hispanic, and Asian unemployment is the lowest in history. * Women’s unemployment the lowest in 65 years. * 3.9 million Americans have moved off the food stamp program. * Record number of regulations eliminated. * Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. * The Space Force. * Passed the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA). * Moved U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. * Signed the VA Choice ACT AND VA Accountability expanding veteran’s health services. * Record $700 billion in military spending, $716 billion for 2020. * Withdrew from the Iran deal (Obama's). * Called for increase contributions to the United Nations from other countries. Say what you will about his character and transgressions, you must admit that it is a testament to the fortitude and tenacity of a leader, Donald Trump, who while under a three-plus years' daily assault on his presidency, had the undaunted verve, the stamina, and unwavering faith in his administration to persevere, accomplish, and beat the odds.
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