What If It Happens Again?The 2020 presidential election season is soon upon us. What will the repercussions be if the incumbent claims victory?November 4, 2019I ![]() Recently I made contact with a couple of one-time friends. Why one-time, isn’t it obvious? The last three years have created a schism in America, within families and among friends. The nation is ideologically divided and the man at the helm of the ship of state is a president who is detested by some but also feared. We began our conversation and exchanged the customary pleasantries, although I doubt they meant it. The last time we spoke, things did not go too well. They have lived the last three years in a state of fear and torment, expecting the world to explode at any time. For them, November of 2016 was a time of great anxiety, confusion, and upheaval. I know this may sound exaggerated, but these two victims of left-wing hysteria have created their own self-imposed prison of the mind, and are in dire straits, and they are not alone. We discussed the current state of affairs in the country. And in an attempt to ease their troubled minds, I explained how America has prospered over the past several years under this president. There’s been economic growth, a good jobs market, unemployment is down, the stock market is up, we’re not involved in any major conflicts abroad, and we have a president bold enough to confront other world leaders, and lay down the law. They interjected and claimed it all began under the Obama administration. At the beginning of this article I asked if anybody had given any serious thought, but did specify to what. So here it is, and this is the question I posed at last to the two one time friends. “What if it happens again and President Trump is reelected in 2020? What will you do, how will you react?” Their responses were both similar in content; they believed it will never happen, and that the American people will come to their senses and realize that President Trump is dangerous and that he is a bully, narcissistic, racist, and a white supremacist. These are the usual descriptive tropes we hear over and over again from the president's detractors. It occurred to me that the response I sought would not be forthcoming, the very thought of another four years to the anti-Trump crowd was too overwhelming to accept and the stuff of nightmares. I decided to change the conversation and brought up another subject, something more light-hearted, even getting a smile where there were frowns. Soon thereafter we parted ways, amicably, shook hands and said our goodbyes. While traveling home, I began to wonder what could happen, if it happened again. These thoughts came to mind. What will happen if President Trump is reelected? Will it have an emotional, mental, and physical effect on Trump-haters, more so than in 2016? Will there be protests, even riots in the streets? Will the media- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and maybe FOX go dark for a period, hoping for some other conspiracy to rear its ugly head? Will the New York Times and Washington Post band together and with the help of their Hollywood friends, create a new story out of pure fiction that they hope will lead to another investigation? Will the Democrats hold a walkout and refuse to enter the halls of Congress and do their jobs? Will Nancy Pelosi bid a fond farewell to all? Will Adam Schiff disappear into the ether? Will the “squad” resign and seek refuge in a socialist country, perhaps Venezuela or California? Will the Hollywood elite this time mean it, and pick up stakes and leave, and take the sign with them? Will late-night political talk show hosts, in tears, throw up their hands in frustration and hopefully revert back to comedy? Will keyboards across the nation burst into flames, as diehard Trump supporters take a victory lap, and congratulate the president, and will his detractors vent their hate and displeasure and hope he fails? Will social media implode? Will academia, Hollywood, LGBTQ, Me Too Movement, Black Lives Matter, Media Matters, Antifa, George Soros, and the mainstream media stage a march on Washington in protest? Will people take leaves of absence from their jobs to recuperate from this nightmare, or will they just quit and stay home in bed or under the bed? Will the Deep State sink even deeper into the muck they’ve created, gasping for air and then just dig deeper? Will the embedded bureaucracy go into hiding, and attempt to set up another branch of government? Will restaurants and other businesses place signs in their windows reading, “Trump supporters and administration officials are not welcomed”? Will Democrats attempt to pass legislation outlawing MAGA or KAG hats? These questions need serious reflection.
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