It May Not Have Scales, Claws, or Tentacles, But It Can Still Be a MonsterAbortion is an abomination, and in its aftermath has created a grisly and horrendous business that emplifies evil.November 4, 2019![]() Some of you might recall that on a number of occasions, I have written on the subject of abortion. The subjects included: The Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 that legalized abortion; the horrendous practice of Dr. Kermit Gosnell who performed hundreds of late-term abortions and was found guilty of infanticide and is now in prison serving several life sentences; undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress that revealed high ranking Planned Parenthood officials, while having lunch, discussing the harvesting and sale of baby body parts; the abortion counter that gives a second by second accounting of abortions that are performed domestically and worldwide in a number of categories; the New York Reproductive Health Act that legitimized infanticide. In one article I discussed legislation the Republicans have attempted to pass over the last 10 years without success, these included: The Life at Conception Act; Heartbeat Protection Act; Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; Parental Notification and Intervention Act. The Democrats have blocked all efforts on each one of these life-saving measures. It seems that whenever you think you may have seen or heard just about all of the evil and depravity that the minds of men, and perhaps sometimes women, are capable of, something else comes along. I speak of an atrocity that might even surpass all others. You hope that it’s just an aberration. I will admit that on occasions I have included this sentiment in an article, because at the time what seemed so outrageous could not ever be surpassed for its depravity and moral turpitude. That is until now. On September 03 of this year (2019) former Indiana abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer passed away. His family stated that when in the process of going through his effects, they discovered 2246 medically preserved remains of aborted babies in his garage in his Illinois home, packed into in approximately 70 boxes. Klopfer performed abortions over the course of decades, but his license was revoked in 2015 for failing to report the rape of a 13-year-old girl. Dr. Geoffrey Cly was a past colleague and described Klopfer as pathological and deceptive. Dr. Cly, who is now pro-life, in an interview stated that he was oftentimes perplexed about how Klopfer took pains to preserve and label the babies' bodies, but did not apply the same care when performing an abortion. According to Cly “Here was a guy who’s not trying to do the proper technique on basic procedures, but yet can save fetal tissue very methodically, especially with documentation, and putting them in formaldehyde and boxes.” Indiana and Illinois authorities are now investigating this gruesome discovery. Since Roe vs. Wade abortion has, depending on your position, either evolved or what I believe is devolved. No longer is it only the callous and at times brutal termination of the most innocent of human life, but is now an opportunity for a very morbid business whose product is babies deprived of life. And what makes this even more of an evil undertaking is the testimony presented at the San Francisco trial of the Center For Medical Progress vs. Planned Parenthood. In his testimony, Dr. Forrest Smith, an obstetrician/gynecologist, who also performs abortions, testified that the truth in the now-famous undercover videos is even worse than we thought. “Some abortionists featured in the videos deliberately altered abortion procedures in a way that both led to the birth of living babies with beating hearts while putting the mother at risk, for the purpose of obtaining fresher more intact organs” for sale. Late Update: On Friday, October 10, it was reported by the Indiana Attorney General Curtis, the family of the late doctor Klopfer, found additional baby bodies on his Illinois property in a vehicle. Will this nightmare ever end? God only knows what else will be found.
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