The Deep State ChamberThe Democrats, media, and their supporters, will do all in their power to distort the news to enhance their agenda.October 14, 2019![]() Imagine this, if you will: there’s a secret location somewhere on the outskirts of Washington, DC, where gathers all the major players in the Democratic Party, media, entertainment industry, and big business; let’s call it the “Deep State Chamber.” They are all ideological soul mates, and to a man and woman, they despise with a passion the President of the United States Donald Trump. Unbeknownst to most of us, this gathering occurs on occasion, or whenever one of their attempts to facilitate a controversy meant to embarrass, slander, and impugn the reputation of their nemesis the president fails. And so it is the purpose of this group, as laid out in their bibliography, to devise, concoct, or dream up plans and schemes to destroy a president. These desperate souls are also connected on the internet via a special website that only members are privy to. It allows them to secretly make contact to disseminate information and confirm talking points used for the public’s consumption. There is a controller who acts as a central command for ensuring that all members are on the same page when expressing their opinions and criticisms to the people and the world in general. You know this whenever you hear members, usually in the media, commenting on an issue, and using the same word or phrase to define or explain their comments. Do you recall “Gravitas” during the George W. Bush years? There have been many since. What I have stated above is pure fiction, of course...I think, I hope. But you must admit most of the mainstream media and their supporters have a penchant for repeating the same talking points, speaking from the same playbook. They select a specific word or phrase to attack or criticize their opposition, which includes the president, conservatives, Republicans, Fox News, and about half of the American people. And they do this with alacrity and a straight face, but then who knows what they are really thinking. I believe it’s something like, "Those lemmings out there wouldn’t know the truth from some cooked up bit propaganda." Those of us who know better and involve ourselves in gathering information and disseminating it to the masses can usually determine fact from fiction. And we can only hope that the rest of the American people, who are out there doing the best they can and are not researching and analyzing all this information, are not assuming that all the news that is being reported on, in any of the media outlets, is always truthful and unbiased. If not a secret place and a group of people, in positions of power, liberal progressives joining together to discuss their enemy the president, who they, in fact, consider a criminal, must have a means of communication to ensure a meeting of the minds in order to get their stories and facts straight. Their thinking is that if enough of the media and other factions all speak in unison with the same talking points, then those American people mentioned above, the good, decent, hard-working Americans who may be unaware of the shenanigans I speak of, will believe whatever they say. The English philosopher Francis Bacon once wrote: “Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.” There can be little doubt today that in America, and the world for that matter, people are guided by their ideological beliefs and biases; even in the face of lies and deceit, or when faced with opposing facts, they will knowingly convince themselves that what they hear or read or see is true.
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