Democrats Have Proven Once Again How Low They Can GoThe Democratic Party has no sense of shame and decency in their treatment of Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh.October 7, 2019![]() We know by now, they have little if any respect for the Judeo-Christian heritage that is part of the foundation of this great nation. Their indifference and disrespect for the dignity and sanctity of life, traditional and family values are troubling. They consider the Christian faith an obstacle in their path to establishing secularism as the dominant cultural and social ethic while denying God and religious liberty. Is it any wonder they will go to any length to destroy whoever opposes their radical draconian agenda? In 2018, President Trump nominated Bret Kavanaugh for Justice of the Supreme Court. What took place in the Senate Judiciary Committee, for the confirmation process, was a national disgrace. Democrats, with the imprimatur of their media enablers, transformed what should have been a professional and dignified gathering into a raucous, petulant, political circus. To say the Democratic minority members of the committee made complete fools out of themselves, and did so without the least bit of shame, bespeaks of their lack of dignity and integrity. When the confirmation process was concluded and the Senate voted in the majority for Kavanaugh, I’m certain most of the American people took a deep collective breath, hoping that this embarrassing event was over and that we could get on with other matters. But since his swearing-in, Justice Kavanaugh has not received any acceptance from the radical progressive left smear machine. They have at every turn made every effort to discredit and damage his legitimacy and reputation, and without the least bit of sensitivity and concern for his family. In a recent article in the New York Times, to promote their new book “The Education of Bret Kavanaugh,” Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly created a controversy by opening up what most hoped was a closed wound. The article focused on the experiences of one Deborah Rameriz, a classmate of Kavanaugh at Yale University. The activities surrounding the allegation were that Kavanaugh, at a drunken dorm party, exposed himself and waved his penis in the face of Ms. Rameriz. This story was first introduced in the 2018 confirmation hearing, but the FBI determined it was not worth investigating. In the article Pogrebin and Kelly, referencing their book, stipulated that Ms. Rameriz was quoted as saying she had no memory of this event ever happening, did not know Kavanaugh, and refused to comment further. But in the Times article, the editors decided conveniently not to include this rather significant fact. Social media exploded in an uproar at this travesty; the Times had to issue a correction, but the damage to Kavanaugh, once again, had already been done. One commentator stated that this was “One of the worse cases of journalistic malpractice in recent memory.” I believe there is just one problem with that statement - the Times lost its journalism credentials long ago. President Trump issued a statement saying “Bret Kavanaugh should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False accusations without recrimination, when does it stop, they’re trying to influence his decisions.” Senator Ted Cruz remarked, “I think this article just shows the obsession with the far Left, with trying to smear Justice Kavanaugh by going 30 years back with anonymous sources.” It didn’t take very long for several of the Democratic presidential candidates to comment, when asked, about these new allegations against Bret Kavanaugh. Each one stated that he should be impeached. However, when the Times correction was issued not one of these individuals came forward to admit they might have spoken too soon and will await the outcome of any investigation. In alphabetical order, they include Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Harris, O’Rourke, and Warren. Frederick Douglas is quoted as saying “The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous.” Is there anyone out there who has as yet not concluded that the Democratic Party fails this test, and is beyond redemption? They have proven themselves devoid of any redeeming social values, decency, goodness and the true American spirit that characterizes who we are as a people.
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