Democrats Aversion to GodThe Democrat Party continues to marginalize God in their political agenda; how will the American people react?July 8, 2019![]() It was not a mistake nor was it a random act that the foundation of this nation was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic, which espoused biblical teachings and traditional values. The Founding Fathers were men of faith, and would not hesitate when it was deemed necessary to reference the Almighty. The Creators name, in one version or another, appears in numerous historical documents, and is included in other policy statements of governing. In the Declaration of Independence there are five references... “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; / Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world; / With a firm reliance of Divine Providence; / Laws of Nature and Natures God; / there is a reference to Natural Law, which is considered of and from God. Appellations of God appear 68 times throughout the code of the United States; some involve instances of oaths and swearing in, and others are in the documents that make up the creed and policies that define the particular agency. Listed are few for your information: EDUCATION- Allegiance to God and country (Pledge). ARMED FORCES- So Help me God & I will trust my God and in the United States of America (Oath). MONEY & FINANCE- In God we trust (Appellation). NATIONAL MOTTO- In God we trust (Appelation) FLAG & SEAL/ SEAT OF GOVERNMENT- In God we trust (Appelation) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- One nation under God (Pledge). JUDICIARY/JURIS PRUDENCE- So help me God (Oath). Although the Declaration of Independence includes references to God, the US Constitution does not. However the Constitutions of all 50 states do include references to God or the Divine. The reason according to historical accounts is that the absence of God in the US Constitution was intentional, that the Founders insisted on strict religious neutrality in the document. Another reason according to some accounts, which seems a bit farfetched, is that Alexander Hamilton is quoted as saying “We forgot”. Before you ask if this is a rudimentary lesson in civics, allow me to explain further. As you can see references to God appear throughout those essential elements that define who we are as a nation. But then what would you think of a group that for whatever reason will intentionally remove any reference of the Almighty from its purview? The same political party that removed any mention of God in their 2012 convention platform, the Democrats, have recently issued a revision to the swearing-in oath administered before the House Committee on Natural Resources. When an individual takes the oath, he or she will now hear “Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. “So help you God have been removed from the oath, but “under “penalty of law” will be added”. In addition the words his and her will be removed throughout the document, replaced by their, and the reference to committee chairman will become chair. The other committees, under the Democrat controlled majority, will decide if they, too, will make these changes. Friends, what in the name of the Almighty has happened to the Democratic Party - not only in Washington, DC, but throughout the 50 states. Is there any reason now to question whether they are in fact a secular and godless party, are morally corrupt and ideologically driven, and that they have surrendered their souls to their inner most demons? That they have defied all that “We the people” hold as sacred, and committed offenses against Natures God? This may sound rather harsh and perhaps exaggerated, but it seems they no longer resist evil. I believe the Founders would have them tarred and feathered and driven out of town on a rail.
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