When Leftists Contend for PowerBy Bruce Walker September 1, 2008The cynical support which the Clintons give Obama reveals the true face of the Left. Obama sorts about with policy staff (i.e. pollsters) to help him find his core principles du jour. John Edwards looks at the American people and lies about an affair. Is there a common theme? Yes: The Left does not stand for anything at all, and its party members will ignore truth and conviction for the sake of power. Does Obama really care...about anything? He cares about power, his god. He cares about politics, his religion. He cares about popularity, his catechism. But that is all. Obama flip flops on public financing of his presidential campaign, because now it is more helpful to him to do so. Hillary half endorses Obama and half pouts offstage, because Mr. and Mrs. Machiavelli have determined that they want Obama to lose, but they do not want ordinary folks to see them rooting for Obama to lose. When Leftists contend, they contend for power. Slavish devotion to the party line is the measure of merit. So when their 2000 vice presidential nominee displays enormous personal integrity in running as an independent Democrat for re-election and then voting with Democrats to organize the Senate (which is why Democrats organize the Senate), this personal integrity draws about as much praise as Communist Party members in America gave to men like Benjamin Gitlow and Whitaker Chambers when they, because of conscience, stopped being Soviet apologists. And just the same, the politburo of the American Left insists that the party line must be followed, unthinkingly and unanimously, no matter what. Governor Casey, for the political crime of being pro-life, could not address the Democrat Convention. Senator Lieberman, for the audacity of defying Michael Moore's view of reality, was expelled from the party along with other "Libermanites." But within the closed doors of the politburo, it is any man (or woman) for himself. So the Commissar for Women's Issues, Comrade Clinton, will try to undermine the position of General Secretary Obama at every turn. She will use the blather of Marx to make her case, but she and all her other comrades long since stopped believing in anything like Marx or Engels. They believe instead in power. Our welfare is their ostentatious proclaimed concern, but they are as indifferent to our concerns as Kaganovich was to the weak sobs of Kulak babies in their last hours of life. When making a socialist paradise - in the USA or in the USSR - many eggs must be broken before the omelet is done, and every egg is an inconvenient rival or a political enemy or some other debris between the Leftist and power. Our misery is their chief concern. "If the health care problems are solved," Hillary muses to herself, "then what the heck am I going to run for president on in 2012?" Obama worries about the same danger of success in addressing racial tensions. Edwards, with his "Two Americas" (presumably not divided by those faithful to their spouses and those unfaithful to their spouses), can only worry about what happens if everyone else starts living in mansions and earning millions of dollars a year. Leftists need fodder and we are that fodder. In many ways, we simply do not matter to them - if we ever did. Leftists fight most savagely with other Leftists. Stalin went to great lengths to murder Trostsky. Hillary will connive like Stalin to keep Obama from ever becoming president. Obama and his Chicago mob will load up their violin cases into fast cars and try to rub her out before she muscles in on his territory. What is remarkable about Leftism is its utter sameness. The same arguments that floated around seventy years ago float around today. How? Why? No one cases about the arguments, any more than any communist ever cared about Marxism. All Leftism is a rough, mean path to power. When Leftists contend, they usually contend with each other - all pigs at the same trough.
Bruce Walker is a long-time conservative writer whose work is published regularly at popular conservative sites such as American Thinker.