Lifestyles of the Rich and CheatingOr…Elite Hypocrisy at its FinestBy Ric Wasley March 18, 2019 Oh my… whatever is the world coming to? Once again we have come to learn that our aristocracy of the rich and privileged have used their wealth and power to get their dim-bulb offspring into elite schools. “But how can that be?” you ask. “Aren’t our Hollywood, political insiders and elite fat-cats supposed to be paragons of virtue? I mean after all, don’t we see them every day on the TV or talk shows preaching the doctrine of - ‘fairness’?" Aren’t they constantly lecturing the rest of us ‘ignorant red-neck boobs about our ‘white privilege’ and silly outdated work ethic? Haven’t they wagged their liberal fingers at us and self-righteously accused us of being ‘mean-spirited’ if we wanted to keep more of our tax dollars for our own family? Once again the Hollywood Libs and Limousine Liberals - both Democrat and Republican, find their hypocrisy on public display in the latest ‘beautiful people' scandal involving corrupt college admissions pimps and arrogant parents of the liberal elite class. Does it really surprise us to learn of yet another instance where these people show their utter contempt for the rest of us by demonstrating that they consider us ‘suckers’ for playing by the rules? "Rules," they must smirk at their cocktail parties, "are only for little people…obviously not for us rich and famous." Who are these people? The same ones you see and hear every day lecturing the rest of us. According to ABC, "The parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege," Lelling said. "They include, for example, the CEOs of private and public companies, successful securities and real estate investors, two well-known actresses, a famous fashion designer and the co-chairman of a global law firm.” Quite a list of the rich and arrogant, eh? And I’m sure there are many more to come, too. One thing I will wager, however, is that you won’t find the names of any blue-collar workers, middle Americans, or readers of Conservative Truth on that list. Then we must ask ourselves, how is it that the very people who set themselves to scold the rest of us about how “selfish” and “mean-spirited" we are, are able to con themselves into thinking that they can engage in shameless hypocrisy when it comes to their own lives? Ah - but I think I see it now. They don’t care if we have to pay more taxes to fund their social welfare schemes. After all, they have accountants for that. Taxes are just for the little people. We chumps who can’t afford to send our kids to the elite schools and after all, shouldn’t those be reserved as the province of the “beautiful” people - so that they not only can avoid rubbing shoulders with the commoners, but ensure that their spoiled, pampered offspring can continue living their same privileged lifestyle? You see they’ve got so much money - made in our capitalist society, despite the fact they all gush over socialism - that they can not only afford to pay full boat to attend but they’ve got plenty left over to bribe, con, and cheat their kids into the best schools. Not only that but they can hire the best lawyers and accountants so they can even write off some of the bribes as ‘charitable donations’ to these same elite institutions who are only too happy to pocket the cash and keep their mouths shut. Isn’t Liberalism wonderful? Not only does it mean never having to say you’re sorry, it means getting a free pass to be the most nauseating and outrageous hypocrites who have ever been shameless enough to lecture other people about, of all things…virtue. Why do they continue to do this - despite the fact that over and over they are exposed for the lying, venal hypocrites they are? It is because we let them get away with it. You and I folks. We watch their cheesy films, TV shows, late night talk gigs, and self-congratulatory awards shows. We read their blogs, follow their tweets, invest in their financial institutions, buy property through their real estate conglomerates. How are they able to continually get away with it? Is it because they are really that smart and talented? Or is it simply because we let them get away with it? In other words is it we who unwittingly provide these phonies with the money and the platform to lecture and sneer at us on a daily basis? If so, what can we do about it? Let’s stop it. Let’s tell them we’re tired of their phony outrage and shrill lectures. Let’s stop watching their movies and TV shows. Let’s stop letting them pack the colleges and universities with their ideological cronies on our tax dollars. Most importantly, let's stop electing these privileged elites to political office Perhaps we could begin by making them live under the same laws as we do. For instance how about passing a law that would mandate the pampered elites who castigate us about ‘walls’ to have to open their gated communities and find new homes for all the thousands of illegal immigrants they demand we open our borders to? How long do you think it would take rich liberals to start screaming at Trump to build a wall 50 feet high with Obama's famous “alligators in the moat?" My guess would be about 10 minutes…at most. Of course, you don’t need a crystal ball to predict how selfishly and hypocritically the liberal elites will behave. For the most part, it’s how they and/or their families wound up rich and famous in the first place. One bit of cold comfort that we can take in looking back at the history of aristocracy in Europe or in the Gilded Age of our Robber Barons, is that despite all of the greasing of the skids and unfair advantage give to their dubious offspring, they have seldom prospered more than a generation or two, because elitism sows the seeds of its own destruction. Just look at the rise and fall of families like the Kennedy’s in our own generation. So, in the end, will their cheating, scheming and hypocrisy really do them any good? I doubt it. Why? Because their children will most likely not make the most of opportunities bought for them and the honors they did not earn. Ultimately when the cameras, red carpets, and board-room sycophants have fallen silent and they are alone in the dark, cold hours of their self-doubting nights, they will be forced eventually to confront the truth. Despite all their conniving, preening, and cynical piety…what have they actually achieved in their empty lives that will have real and lasting value? Absolutely nothing. Empty achievements are just that - empty.
Ric Wasley is a writer and lecturer, as well as the author of the popular McCarthy Mystery Series. Ric has had a 40 year professional career history in advertising, publishing and marketing in Boston, New York and San Francisco. He has degrees in history and psychology and has been trained in debating, public speaking and stage acting. A large part of his 40 year career was spent in numerous professional and business settings as a presenter and featured speaker at seminars and professional meetings. Ric has been a visiting professor at Worcester Polytech Institute. He also teaches a popular course on marketing for authors at prominent venues such as the venerable “Cape Cod Writers Conference.” Wasley has been involved in both print and broadcast media as well as writing for business and commercial markets for over 30 years and continues to consult for a major media company. In addition to his novels and short stories, he has been published in several literary magazines. Wasley currently divides his time between Boston and his home on Cape Cod where he continues to write, lecture and create worlds where the unexpected thrives.