After Kavanaugh Loss, Will Democrats Put Down the Shovel?By Dan Perkins October 15, 2018![]() I could use hundreds of pages to illustrate how Democratic shovels are so full of dirt, they couldn’t be thrown out of the hole. You see the deeper the hole goes, the more difficult it is to get the dirt out. You can try to empty the hole, but it just falls back on top of you. Here are some of the massive, full shovels that will bury the Democrats in the midterms. The first is the presumption of innocence that most Americans believe is a fundamental right. Senator Mazie Hirono doesn’t believe that Judge Kavanagh has the right of due process to be innocent until proven guilty. Many people made up their minds that the Judge was guilty before they heard either party present their cases before the Judiciary Committee. In a survey done by Rasmussen Reports, 33 percent of those surveyed believed Dr. Ford before she or Judge Kavanagh testified. A lot of shovels full of dirt here. Next, we focus on the news media where 56 percent of voters think the media was on a witch hunt against Judge Kavanagh. I saw many people on the air making outlandish charges against the Judge, with some even accusing him of rape. One charge against the Judge was so outlandish that even The New York Times wouldn’t run the story. More loads of dirt that can’t, or won’t, get the story right. Let’s move on to retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who said he could not support Kavanaugh because “the anger Kavanaugh displayed was in sharp contrast to his calm demeanor during the first round of confirmation hearings in early September — and partisan attacks.” I would have asked Justice Stevens if he were under the personal attack Judge Kavanaugh was experiencing, knowing the charges were not true, as to whether he would have not vigorously defended his reputation? According to The Wall Street Journal, Justice Stevens’ confirmation process only took 19 days. Times have changed since Justice Stevens’ time, and the stakes are much higher. You may ask why? During the past 100 years, the Democrats had control of all three branches of government at the same time for 35 years. In fact, they had control of the House for 40 straight years from 1955 to 1995. If they couldn’t get what they wanted in the Congress, they went to the federal courts across the nation and had the courts legislate from the bench. Think about this question: How many major issues were settled in the courts that the American people or their elected representative voted on? What bill was signed into law that established Roe v. Wade? There wasn’t one. That "law" is based on a 1973 landmark decision by the Supreme Court. What major legislation was passed to define marriage? It was a 1996 law that was later deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. The Democrats believe that a court with Kavanagh will overturn many of the "laws" that were written from the bench. As a result, they had to stop Judge Kavanaugh at any cost, including losing the midterm elections. More heaping shovels full of Democratic dirt. In a Rasmussen Reports poll of likely voters taken on October 5, 2018, 57 percent of likely voters said, “It’s a scary time to be a young man.” As the father of four boys and two grandsons, the character-assassination attempt on Judge Kavanaugh by the Democrats has put millions of fathers, brothers, uncles, and sons at risk by potential false claims of sexual harassment. This is a weapon of mass destruction that some women will use to destroy men in order to achieve some objective. When we are guilty without proof, our democracy fails. I do not know for sure that Dr. Ford was assaulted; I do believe that if she was, it was not by Judge Kavanagh. The Democrats asked for an FBI investigation of the charges against the Judge before a vote on confirmation. The FBI did its job and did not find any credible evidence that the accusations against the Judge were true. If the FBI did the job they were asked to do and they duly reported their findings, why did not more Senate members of the Democratic Party vote for the confirmation? The hole is getting very deep and a lot of dirt is raining down on them. The bottom parts of the hole are the midterm elections. How will the treatment of Judge Kavanagh impact the outcome? Let’s go back to where we started, where we find the hole is much deeper, but the Democrats keep digging. Mazie Hirono said that men should just “Shut up.” Let me take you back to election night 2016 when CBS News among others said, non-college-educated white men won the election for Trump. These recent sexual harassment attacks on men will bring these men out again to help hold the House and expand the Senate, where they will have new allies, women who are concerned about the attacks on the Constitution. I fully expect the mainstream media pundits who are sitting at their election desks saying at about 9:30 p.m., “How did this happen? Where is the "Big Blue Wave?" The answer is simple: the American people believe in the Constitution and the rule of law that every person, regardless of race, color, creed, or sexual orientation are innocent until proven guilty. The Democrats have been proven guilty and deserve to be punished at the midterms.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is You can find more info about Dan and his works at Visit Dan Perkins's website at