The Ideology of Empowered ChildrenMarch 26, 2018Throughout human history, civilizations have esteemed wisdom, experience, and age. People inherently understand that the “wise old sage” has collected wisdom passed down through the generations and by way of trials, tribulations, and successes. Whether that “sage” is an elderly grandmother who survived difficult times in her youth and later nurtured her family through thick and thin, or a father who knows just the right words to offer at just the right moment, generations of people have looked to their elders, even as the younger generation rises up – with the proper training – to present new ideas to supplement the old. This has been true from ancient times to the present, for countless cultures. No successful society turns to its young for guidance or direction. The young only provide hope for the future, not the present. Enter modern liberalism, where the words of the inexperienced light the path of an ideology of the intellectually lost, wandering in the darkness, in search of coherent principles. An example can be found in one word: choice. To modern liberals, “choice” is important – as long as that choice advances the cause of the moment. For example, self-defense is not acceptable because such a choice limits the supply of victims. Victims have needs. Modern liberals stand willing and able to please victims without assuaging needs, thus the necessity of a modern liberal’s existence can never be vanquished. To a modern liberal, success is evil; failure is honorable, noble; youth is power; age is antiquated; feeling trumps thinking; intentions negate actions; the value of words and actions depend not on results but on who delivers the words or actions; thoughts are to be policed. Is it any wonder that more and more people recognize that modern liberalism is a psychological disorder? In the context of modern liberalism, one can understand liberal joy when 17-year-olds become “empowered” to speak out. Empowerment is an inviolable state to which all seemingly oppressed and under-privileged peoples should not only pursue but have a right to attain. To be empowered is only a step away from modern liberal sainthood. The children who attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, whether or not they even heard the fateful gunshots on that dreadful Valentine’s Day, have now been empowered by a hollow quasi-religion which seeks out the least qualified to lead the way. School children all across the land have followed their cue. The unqualified have inspired the unqualified with uninspired, recycled mantras which substitute for ideas. It is a repeat of the early 1970s feminists tearing off their bras in protest, only this time the diapers – intellectually speaking – have been flung into the air, blotting out the Sun of public discourse. And modern liberals feel at home in the intellectual darkness. The clueless, indoctrinated children rise up, empowered by liberal adults – who fail to understand that they insult their own intellect. On the other side of the planet, an old, tired woman, who somehow aged without absorbing the insight of wise old sages, demonstrated how it is that children are the intellectual present – and not just the future – of modern liberalism. Hillary Clinton retreated to India to expound Excuse #354 why she lost the 2016 presidential election. It was the women. Damn those American women! They think for themselves; therefore, they surely cannot be thinking for themselves or they would think as commanded by liberals. To think as commanded is to think freely; to think freely is to be slaves to others. Oh, and we are at war with Oceania and we always have been, for those political observers feeling a bit 1984-ish. If her health problems do not catch up with her first – and if she stays off stairs – perhaps Mrs. Clinton will reach Excuse #500 by the time the filing deadline passes for the 2020 election. How does an ideology which possesses but one principle – trust the government in every situation – degenerate to the point that children are the intellectual leaders of the day? The answer fell down the stairs in India. No, not Mrs. Clinton personally – the pathetic status of modern liberalism is not on her alone – but she is the poster child. When the facts are ignored and reason is eschewed in order to advance a cause; when logic is ignored and we are told to forget what we know to be true; then anything goes, intellectually speaking. When guarding schools is supposedly “imprisoning” students; when an incompetent sheriff provides “amazing leadership;” when banning or limiting access to an instrument – and thus limiting liberty – is the only solution to stopping the evil actions of a few; then why wouldn't accepting the “wisdom” of a child make perfect sense? In the ideology of modern liberalism, a manufactured, pre-determined square answer will fit into any round question. If a pre-determined answer solves a problem before us, why should it matter who delivers the message? If someone has the answers in advance, why even be concerned with the question? We all know young, intelligent boys and girls, preparing to hurtle like unguided rockets into adulthood. We know them, love them, admire them, yet we do not wish them to lead, rather to listen, learn, absorb. They cannot teach that which they have yet to learn. In the void of space, tremendous nuclear power plants (stars) fill the darkness with light. To a modern liberal, light is light, no matter the source – no matter whether that nuclear reaction is a star or a bomb. Put another way, if you only have a penny, a ten-dollar-bill is a lot of money. Such is the intellectual status of modern liberalism. Even the children seem like great thinkers. Who needs wise old sages?
Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete. Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at