Over the last eight years, under the Obama administrations, the LGBT agenda has been in the forefront of the American psyche, in particular the issue involving transgenderism. In 2016 then President Obama issued an executive mandate that public institutions, schools in particular, must implement policies enforcing gender-neutral restroom, locker rooms, and showers, under a threat of losing federal funds.
President Trump, through his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rescinded the Obama mandate as being inconsistent with the law, andcausefor confusion and in some cases lawsuits. This override will now allow the states to determine their own transgender policies, and establish an inclusive system that will allow input from parents, students, and teachers. This change does not affect enforcement of “anti-bullying” safeguard measures.
On March 6, 2017, the Supreme Court refused to hear a case involving a transgender student. The decision countermands that of a lower court in the case of Gavin Grimm, a Virginia student born a female, but considers ‘her’ gender to be that of a male. Grimm sought to have access to male facilities that ‘she’ identifies with. The case reverted back to a court of appeals. It is believed the decision, in part, was the result of the Trump administration’s and the attorney general's actions.
In 2015, New York City relaxed any restrictions for changing the gender on one's birth certificate. To this day, 731 men, women, and children have changed their sexual identity on their birth certificate; 55% male to female, 45% female to male. The youngest was 5 years old, yes 5 years old, the oldest 76. Just recently New York City Mayor de Blasio issued a transgender policy that would in affect revise the lexicon of language usage in schools, and that establishes new gender identities. Teachers would be required to use the so-called pronoun the student prefers to be identified with. It is my understanding that there are numerous descriptions; many do not appear in any dictionary.
Males in female restrooms, locker rooms, and showers, and vice versa, girls in the boy scouts, girls on boys basketball teams, LGBTQ, transgender in the military, same-sex marriage, “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” photographers, bakers, artists being sued and losing their livelihoods for practicing their faith - these are all manifestations of a morally bankrupt culture, that defies nature and nature's God, and that I believe played a major role in the Trump victory.
All the supporters of gender-neutral facilities should be asked this question, are you okay with your daughters, mothers, wives, especially younger girls, sharing a restroom, locker room, and shower with a biological male, considering the possibility that he may be a pervert whose intentions are less than honorable? I believe most Americans would say no. It’s reported that from 2010 to 2016 there have been over 20 incidents of men, some caught and arrested, invading ladies facilities for nefarious reasons.
Let the states decide, and as for those business entities that are threatening states economically for their refusal to abide by these insane corrupt policies: beware, as the people also have a say. Also keep in mind that this ridiculous and dangerous transgender agenda was initiated for an infinitesimal number of students, approximated at 0.03% nationally, claiming to be conflicted in their sexual identity.
In 2015 Dr. Paul R. McHugh, former chief psychiatrist at John Hopkins, stated that “transgenderism is a mental disorder that deserves treatment, and that sexual reassignment surgery is biologically impossible, and that anyone who supports transgenderism, supports a mental disorder.”
We can continue down this dangerous road, or learn from history, i.e. the Roman Empire that wasted greatness and world dominance by succumbing to vice and moral turpitude, or we can heed the words of the noted author Ayn Rand,
“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come in degrees, by precedent, by implication, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other, until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”