Once again Leftists show their heart - or lack of...Why the Elites can't control their disdain for Middle AmericaBy Ric Wasley September 4, 2017There are many brave, dedicated, and heartwarming stories coming out in the aftermath of the devastating floods in Texas, and the many people in the state and throughout America who have raced to help and support them. Sadly none of them have come from the Leftist Bi-Coastal elites. Instead, the Left's contribution has been what we have come to expect from the sneering, supercilious, snobby, nasty, and downright mean-spirited ‘Liberal’ Leftists. While Texans responded to the tragedy with neighbor helping neighbor, the snarky, vindictive Libs' contribution consisted of nasty cartoons mocking them, like the one in the left leaning Politico depicting Texas as a Confederate flag-draped obese white male thanking God for his rescue when he actually should have been blessing the government. Can you imagine the outcry if they were doing that to a politically protected group? But doesn't that show you exactly where the Liberal Left is coming from... "You redneck rubes should be worshiping at the altar of our all-encompassing government control." Neighbors from Louisianna, those who the elites sneer at as ‘rednecks,’ formed the ‘Cajun Navy’ and journeyed to the flood zone to help Texans the way they had helped them during Hurricane Katrina. How about the Left's favorite action groups, Antifa and BLM? Do you think we’ll see them show up in Texas ready to help? Not likely - they’re too busy beating up Trump supporters and ripping American flags out the hands out of little old ladies. Then there was the University of Tampa professor of sociology who suggested in a tweet that Texans deserved Hurricane Harvey because of their support for President Donald Trump in the 2016 election. When in a rare display of a college showing courage he was fired, he showed his complete lack of remorse by tweeting after a commenter asked him if Trump supporters in Florida deserved a similar fate, “Yep, those who voted for him here deserve it as well.” Really shows you where the 'liberal’ hearts are, doesn’t it? In fact, one ‘liberal' tweeted that she wouldn’t donate any money to anyone in a red state. What compassion. While we could count on Hollywood and NYC throwing glittering gala fund raisers for transgender bathrooms how quick do you think they will be to fund raise for Texas…cue crickets chirping. Media Matters for America, a liberal media outlet, criticized VP Pence for expressing his concern for victims of Harvey on conservative talk shows. Well that’s constructive, isn’t it? When Trump and the First Lady toured the disaster what did the DNC/Liberal Media find to comment on? What the President said? Nope - Melania's shoes. Volunteers in Texas waded door to door to rescue stranded homeowners and even their pets while the Liberal media fumed because Russia and Confederate statues had been pushed off their front pages Admittedly, these are random examples, but examples they are, of the mindsets and hearts (or lack thereof) that the Bi-coastal Left-Wing Libs feel for the rest of the country. To be blunt, the Left has nothing but hatred and contempt for everyone who is not them, and would probably be delighted if a hurricane blew away the entire country between the east and west coasts. And why this continuous sneering and lack of compassion from the Left? Because they can’t stand the very concept of America which was founded partially with the belief in the individualism and self-reliance of the common man. This flies directly in the face of the Left-wing Liberal Elite who feel that their birth, education, social position, and cultural superiority should put them in charge of making all the decisions for the ‘great unwashed.’ In truth, the Libs have more in common with the former aristocrats and autocrats of historic European monarchies than hard working Americans who rely on faith, family, their neighbors, and themselves. The reality is that we will probably never see the Liberal Elites show any respect for the average hard-working American. To do that they would have to admit their micro-managing, ‘Big Brother’ government control is as superfluous as they are. But fortunately, America has shown time after time over the past two centuries that we can do just fine without them. So let them snipe and pout from the sidelines while the rest of us stay proud of America and join in saying, “God Bless Texas!"
Ric Wasley is a writer and lecturer, as well as the author of the popular McCarthy Mystery Series. Ric has had a 40 year professional career history in advertising, publishing and marketing in Boston, New York and San Francisco. He has degrees in history and psychology and has been trained in debating, public speaking and stage acting. A large part of his 40 year career was spent in numerous professional and business settings as a presenter and featured speaker at seminars and professional meetings. Ric has been a visiting professor at Worcester Polytech Institute. He also teaches a popular course on marketing for authors at prominent venues such as the venerable “Cape Cod Writers Conference.” Wasley has been involved in both print and broadcast media as well as writing for business and commercial markets for over 30 years and continues to consult for a major media company. In addition to his novels and short stories, he has been published in several literary magazines. Wasley currently divides his time between Boston and his home on Cape Cod where he continues to write, lecture and create worlds where the unexpected thrives.