Don't Cross the DonaldTaking On Trump? Proceed at Your Own RiskMarch 13, 2017What the left can't achieve through rational discourse they will try to obtain through personal attack. Not only does the President manage to rise above it all, those hurling the insults are the ones who end up sitting in a corner wearing dunce caps. Coincidence? Maybe, but consider the following. At the recent Academy Awards, host Jimmy Kimmel made numerous snide comments about President Trump and even tried to start a live Twitter war. For once - and to his credit - Trump didn't take the bait. Countless others made pointed and not-so-pointed jabs at the new administration. And don't forget those snooty blue ribbons worn in support of the ACLU. The result? The biggest fiasco - by far - in the Academy's 89-year history. The Best Picture flub now epitomizes the words 'embarrassing' and 'awkward.' Another lowlight featured a much-alive producer mentioned in the 'In Memoriam' segment. The broadcast garnered the lowest ratings in about eight years. One person can take partial credit - or rather blame. Meryl Streep's bloated display of arrogance, ignorance and unmitigated bile at the Golden Globe Awards in January launched a campaign, largely via social media, to boycott the upcoming Academy Awards. Americans, many of them Trump supporters, have had their fill of Hollywood's condescension and self-congratulation. Meryl Streep will never want for acclaim or money, but she will never hold the mantle of America's Sweetheart, either. Speaking of entertainers, next comes Trump's most renowned feud, featuring Rosie O'Donnell. At the peak of her career, Rosie held an enviable perch in the entertainment world, as a stand-up comic and a co-host of The View. Scattered film appearances enhanced her following, leaving her, not on the A-list, but a success by any measure. Then she took on The Donald. On The View she mocked him for giving a Miss Universe contestant (he owned the pageant) a second chance after an embarrassment involving alcohol. To uproarious applause, she mocked his comb-over, along with his two divorces. Uh-oh. His responses, immortalized on You Tube, appealed to the fourteen year-old boy in all of us! Soon thereafter - and I'm not suggesting any correlation - Rosie left The View. Trump commented, "I'm partly responsible for Rosie's downfall, and I'm proud of that." She was most recently seen protesting outside of the White House after Trump's address to congress. When Melissa McCarthy earned praise for her Saturday Night Live portrayal of Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Rosie told the press that she would love to play advisor Steve Bannon. Uh, over here, notice me! What's it like, Rosie, fighting for relevance after your archenemy has won the highest office in the world? Politically, consider the fate of the 2016 GOP contenders for president. One of the most impressive Republican fields ever, that included sitting governors and senators, fell like dominoes till a political novice was the last one standing. Consider the professional know-it-alls, who piously informed us that Trump didn't have a prayer, either for the nomination or in the general election. None was more wrong than Nate Silver, famous for predicting the 2012 election to within just a few points, left with egg on his face on November 8. And, of course, there's frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton, who spent years building a resume of experience, only to run in elections when voters of both parties demanded outsiders. 2016 saw her blow not only her coronation but her vindication for having lost eight years before. All coincidence? Is fate protecting Donald Trump or does the force of his persona destroy his opposition? Simply, he is fortified by the greatness of much-needed ideas. Pretense, particularly the brand prevalent in Hollywood, dissipates in the face of values that are good, true and eternal. It is what Trump champions - American sovereignty, tradition, capitalism and a personal and public commitment to excellence - that acts as a force of nature, blowing away the foolishness and rot that clutter American life. Just ponder the downward spiral of Ashley Judd, who read the Nasty Woman poem (!) at January's Women's march. Her prominent film career took off in the 90's and then stalled. Her embrace of radical feminism didn't help. She now gives interviews to left-wing websites wearing a pink hat in the shape of a you-know-what. Inspiring. Contrast her with any of the Trump women and determine for yourself a better role model for the next generation. Ivanka Trump is a force. Ashley Judd is a farce. Try building yourself up before tearing someone else down.
David is from Fayetteville, NC. Lifelong political activist, including two runs for state house (once as a Libertarian and then as a Republican). I have written for a number of Conservative websites. My work has been reprinted on numerous websites and in newspapers nationwide. My work has also been cited by a member of Congress. I also have written for Liberty Features, the media wing of Americans for Limited Government. Writing about politics and current events is my passion.