With Supporters Like These...By Doug Patton June 9, 2008In case you fell victim to Barack Obama's cynical attempt to bury a major news story by holding a press conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on a Saturday night during the Democratic National Committee's public fight over Michigan and Florida delegates, let me fill you in: Obama has finally resigned from that loony, racist church of his in Chicago. Back in March, while delivering what the sycophantic mainstream media described at the time as the greatest speech since "I Have a Dream," Obama assured us that he could no more disown his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, than he could disown the black community or his white grandmother. When Wright repeated in a National Press Club speech such outrageous statements as the idea that the U.S. Government created the AIDS virus in order to carry out genocide on the black community, Obama suddenly found the political courage to disown him. Bye-bye, pastor. But his 20-year affiliation with the church continued. So did his slip in the polls. Now, an equally radical Catholic priest named Michael Pfleger, whose Chicago church just happens to be the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in public largesse at the hand of you-know-who over the years, has stepped so far over the line that Obama has had no choice but to formally sever ties with the church. Pfleger, a friend of Louis Farrakhan and other Chicago crazies, is another one of Obama's many radical "mentors." It seems that Wright's successor, the Rev. Otis Moss, whom Obama has described as "a fine young pastor," welcomed Father Pfleger into Trinity United Church of Christ to speak. This was not an unusual occurrence, but this time the cameras were on Pfleger as he mocked Hillary Clinton and called her a white supremacist. The people in this church seem to delight in embarrassing their favorite son, and I have been at a loss to figure out why. Rush Limbaugh's theory is that the Obama campaign saw their man's numbers dropping and decided to stage Pfleger's little performance in order to give Obama an opportunity to bail out of the church once and for all. Maybe, but I have two other possibilities. In scenario number one, imagine it is this time next year and President Barack Obama is sitting in the White House. (I know it's chilling, but stay with me.) The Rev. Jesse Jackson is having trouble shaking down corporate America, whose attitude now is, "Hey, how bad can discrimination be? America just elected a black president. Take a hike!" Al Sharpton now finds that he is ignored when he arrives on the scene of some trumped up example of American racism. Funding at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago has dried up, thereby no longer permitting the church to pick up the tab on Jeremiah Wright's 10,000-square-foot mansion. And Rev. Moss has had to go out and find himself a real job. Whatever would the Jacksons and Sharptons and Farrakhans and Wrights and all the other race pimps in this country - who have lived off the guilt of sincere white Americans for the last forty years - do if they actually had one of their own in the White House? Their free ride would be over. Ergo, they are trying to sabotage the Obama campaign. (Note that this has the added attraction of demonstrating to the world what a racist country America truly is: "See? We had a good black candidate but whitey just wouldn't let it happen!") In the much more likely scenario number two, these people are simply so steeped in their hatred of America and of the white race that they have no concept of how out of the mainstream they are. In their world, AIDS really was created by the United States government to destroy them. How sad.
Doug Patton describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.comand/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.