Sacrifice for EqualityMay 30, 2016It ![]() The subject quickly took on a bizarre life of its own. Many Republicans saw the opportunity to end a program which they believe should be beyond the reach of the federal government: conscription. Peaceniks abhor any type of violence, including defense of American interests abroad. Liberals want “equality” at any cost, regardless of common sense. The brief debate was an odd one. While he did not intend for his gesture to be a liberal clarion call, Representative Duncan Hunter’s symbolism has just changed the landscape of the debate, so much so that two committee chairmen consulted one another and agreed to pull the amendment from consideration. For modern liberals, this issue is simply the logical next step as Progressivism marches on, like locusts, devouring all that sustains a free Republic. Popular culture, guided by liberalism, has pushed us to this question and will push us far, far beyond, into a world which rational people never would have imagined. There are a lot of mothers across the country who are unhappy at the thought of their daughters registering for the draft. If registration becomes reality, “unhappiness” will not begin to describe the collective motherly angst. A lot of these same mothers are an important part of the problem. It is the toleration of a destructive ideology that has blurred the lines between men and women, mocked masculinity, devalued femininity, looked sympathetically on victimhood, and celebrated mentally and emotionally disturbed people as though they were normal. There are consequences for any and all beliefs, ideas, actions, and reactions. The consequences of liberalism include the end of order, morality, and common sense. Another consequence of liberalism is that eventually there will be as little difference between men and women as possible. For those who have voted for liberal politicians for any office, eventually they will be responsible for bringing about another result of liberalism: their daughters will go to war, whether or not they have the physical and emotional make-up to do so. The military will respond as it did under the Clinton administration when they expanded the role of women in military roles: they will make life easier for women, thus less safe for everyone. Case in point: when most women could not hurl a contemporary grenade far enough to be outside the blast radius, the military made lighter, less potent grenades. Mothers, your sons can die for the ladies. How chivalrous. Remember the cheerleaders you knew when you were in high school? The often athletic but delicate young ladies with the high-pitched chants who cheered on the football team should be foremost in your mind. They can bleed to death in the mud or hold a best friend who is missing half her face and various limbs just like the men do. As they go into shock just before they expire, these young ladies may never realize that they are dying because their mothers sent them off when they voted for liberals who “cared” and were “tolerant” and “compassionate.” That compassion failed to reach their own daughters because of the inability to see the logical conclusions of what liberalism does to an orderly, moral society. Some people claim that it is not a legitimate concern that young women will have to register for the draft, and that even if they do, the draft will never be used again. With advanced weaponry, drones, and other hi-tech capabilities, a force of a million foot soldiers in one theater likely will never occur again, but what about two theaters? What about a massive war spread out in Asia, South America, and Europe? In 1940, US troop levels were at 458,000 and have not fallen below one million since that time. If the Obama administration gets its way, we will fall to 672,000 troops by 2021. Just as in the Carter years, the military currently is having to strip parts from other equipment to keep mechanized units operating. “Deterioration” is the word of the day in a military headed by liberals. With a depleted military, if a hot spot develops, then Communist China and Russia decide to take advantage of American weakness, a future president would have an unimaginable, overwhelming crisis to tackle that could require the draft. There are women who are in the military by choice and are mentally and emotionally prepared to be there. Now bring on the girls. By that time, women will not only be on the front lines, but they will have 18-year old girls to mentor. All who vote for liberals are responsible for the destruction that is occurring to our society, but those who are more likely to vote liberal- adult women- are those who will be the mothers of those sacrificed at the altar of liberalism. They already will have determined the fate of their own daughters. The question is not whether 18-year old girls should register for the draft; the answer to that question is obvious to those blessed with common sense. The real question is whether mothers will believe that it was worth it to have sacrificed their own daughters. Perhaps if a mother votes for a liberal, then she deserves to have her own daughter become eligible to be sent off to war. She is laying the groundwork for other daughters to go to war, so why not her own?
Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete. ![]() Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at