Nuclear Attack on Washington DC - Preparation or AnesthetizationMay 12, 2008The Washington Times published a story on April 16, 2008 by Gary Emerling titled "Nuclear attack on D.C. a hypothetical disaster." The author describes the effects a 10 Kiloton Hiroshima-sized bomb would have on the DC area to include deaths, its destructive effects, response capability, and the strain a recovery operation would have on American citizens. Awesome story; informative and quite frankly scary. Unfortunately, there is a hidden agenda with this story. The agenda I am I seeking to expose is one most Americans do not even realize is happening and is a good part of the root cause of our country's decline. The Main Stream Media (MSM) goes through these gyrations with the American public every day and whitewashes the truth. Any time you tune to a 24 hour news outlet (even FOX); a constant flow of tabloid news is thrown over the airways at the American public. Combining the tabloid news with some real news which is spun to satisfy the network's political agenda is what Americans will walk away with and believe. A case in point is today's Washington Times story. I do not believe this story was intended to inform, or even frighten the audience. Since 9-11 the cries of a potential nuclear attack on a major American city has been the norm and on the rise. Why? Because we have not been attacked and the longer countries like Iran go unchecked, the possibility of a nuclear attack on a major US City does in fact rise. No argument there. But why keep informing the public? To anesthetize" the American people. Yes "anesthetize"! Media mindset is; if we can continually drive home what we want the American people to believe then they will believe. Hence, the left's agenda to continue pushing the country further left. If the MSM can make the country used to the idea that we will be attacked with a nuclear weapon, then when it happens we will accept it, recover, and press on with life instead of becoming angry as we did following 9-11 which prompted the President to go on the offensive. When that happens we will have submitted. If you do not believe we are heading down the road of submissiveness, think again. Europe is all but lost to Islam. England, France, and Germany will be Muslim nations in 20 years. If we are not careful, we will follow in their footsteps. So, if we are made less sensitive to a nuclear attack, then psychologically as a group we will accept the inevitability of that kind of event. We will have become a Pacifist nation. That's where the left and our MSM want to guide our country. No longer can we fight for what we believe, no longer should we be the world's Super Power, no longer should we be free. That is the left's intended goal. Think about it. If we fought the war on terror the way we fought WWII with a "win at all costs" mentality, we would probably have already won the War on Terror and been out of Iraq. Instead we are still there. Political Correctness rules the day. We have become a submissive society and have allowed the bleeding heart syndrome to become our guide. As a result, the country has lost its will to fight. And what is the effect? We are perceived by our enemy as being weak and when you appear weak, you are weak. Islamo-Fascists are not the real enemy. Our enemy lies within us. If we are not careful we will destroy ourselves from within just as Rome did. We the people are solely responsible for any ill-fate the country may suffer in the future because we believe everything we hear on the "TV" or in the news without questioning the motive of the media and the left. .