Hill & Bill & Karl & SaulApril 4, 2016I remain convinced that Hillary Clinton will not be the Democrat nominee in November - they will have to draft someone, possibly Vice President Joe Biden or New York Governor Andrew Cuomo - because Hillary has a legal problem or two. But just in case, now may be a good time to consider Hillary as nominee and Hillary as president. First, for the economy, think putting your face in a blender and turning it on. We know that President Barack Obama is an Alinskyite and a neo-Marxist, but a quick analysis of Hillary’s economic statements reveals that she didn’t know we even have an economy. She says whatever sounds good to the group in front of her, though it seems she frequently speaks to redistributionists. That sound of Karl Marx spinning in his grave isn’t unhappiness, that’s him partying. He’s got the 18th Century version of a KC & the Sunshine Band dance party going on and a disco ball reflecting onto the Obama poster on the inside wall of the coffin. Get down tonight! Hillary is babbling about wages and uh, money, and uh, producing stuff. Another person partying at the possibilities is Bill. If Hillary were to get elected, he gets to go down in history as the first “First Lady’s Man.” Forget “First Man,” “First Gentleman,” “First Lady Killer,” or “First Gigolo.” “First Lady’s Man” just fits Bill Clinton. Besides, “gigolo” is not a fair term for him; he doesn’t need the money. That’s what the Clinton Foundation is for. Of course, the election of Hillary is a tough sell to the voting public, given her attraction to corruption. The Clinton Foundation irregularities haven’t had a full public airing yet. Then of course there are: leaving national secrets on an unsecure e-mail server; lying under oath countless times; and personal dealings that are scandalous even in the 21st Century. The dirty little secret that is now seeping out is that no one likes Hillary except for a few hundred people in each city who show up at her events. The party faithful answer polls favoring her because there doesn’t appear to be an alternative. Throw in an alternative- not Bernie Sanders, I’m referring to someone who has worked more than 40 hours (not in a week, but in his entire life) - and the polls will radically shift away from her. No one likes Hillary - not the Democrat establishment, not the average Democrat voter, not Bill, not the FBI, not the Secret Service, and certainly not anyone who has ever dared to disagree with her in person. The question is not: Can we stop Hillary? The question is: Because it is a given that we deserved, as a nation, Barack Obama, and we will pay the price for him for decades to come, have we learned our lesson yet? If we have yet to learn the lessons of what class envy, left wing ideologies, and an unqualified narcissist can do to our country, then we will get Hillary as president - and in a generation no one will know what an economy is. But, of course, Saul Alinsky’s birthday will be a national holiday and Hollywood will have to remake “American Gigolo.”
Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through Amazon.com. You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete. ![]() Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at https://www.writtenbybwp.com/