Who Would Have Thought?April 27, 2015Rewind. 2008. Federal action finally caught up to us and damaged the economy. Financial institutions made bad loans, both because of federal laws and assurances given that those same institutions would be protected by Fed money. The complexities could not be explained adequately in one sentence, so ignorance reigned and others helped push it along. The American economy- and people- are resilient. In a year or two, the economy would be back to normal. In a year or two, debates would rage on why it all happened and why now the economy was booming again. “A year or two” did not happen. With the election of a little-known neo-Marxist, the deficit and debt mushroomed. But that was not all. Not just the economy has been a focal point of concern. Not just an unprecedented amount of government spending has caught us off guard. Think, for a moment, what we, as a people, have witnessed- have tolerated- that we neither witnessed nor tolerated just seven years ago. Rewind your mind from 2015 to 2008. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that we would see an American president support the rise of a terrorist organization as those terrorists toppled an ally? By encouraging the demise of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and then supporting quick elections, the already-organized Muslim Brotherhood received such a boost from President Obama. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that many Americans would be put into the position of cheering the ascension of a military government that had overthrown an elected government? That is exactly what happened as the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown. Now terrorist leader Mohamed Morsi has been sentenced to 20 years in prison and the military has gained control of a formerly chaotic situation- a situation that was supported by our president. Had President Obama’s favorite terrorist organization remained in power, there would not have been cooperation between Egypt and Israel when the latter’s jets pounded a Hamas stockpile of weapons in Libya earlier this month. Digest that for a moment: had the president of the United States had his way, Hamas weapons, paid for by Iran, would not have been destroyed. The Egyptian military is perhaps a better friend to Israel than President Obama. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that a foreign leader would address our Congress and show more statesmanship than the sitting president of the United States? The distinction was so evident beforehand that the foreign leader’s mere presence was attacked by the administration. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that our government would turn on our allies and grant favor to our enemies? Of our three most important allies, two have been insulted and/or ignored to varying degrees. The United Kingdom and Israel are, frankly, disliked by President Obama. If we continue to play footsie with North Korea, Japan could be harmed, as well as South Korea. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that we would have a president who would advocate repeatedly that laws were irrelevant to him, that treaties did not need the advice and consent of the Senate, and that the same government that cannot provide adequate health care to our veterans could manage to do so for the entire citizenry? Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that the current president, who has proven to be the most incompetent since President Buchanan, would have so many defenders of his incompetence and harmful policies? Undermine our allies? Who cares? Attack our ability to produce energy? No problem. Ignore laws out of political expediency? No big deal. Shut up and support it all; that is the desire of the ruling class in D.C. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that Christianity would be under assault to the point that simply expressing belief in moral, Biblical principles would lead to death threats to American Christians and that some would lose their businesses? “Sexual perversion” is a term of the past. Once upon a time we were urged to tolerate; now we are ordered to support- or else face the consequences of the God haters. Who would have thought, just seven years ago, that Republicans across the country would bumble and stumble the way the governors of Indiana and Arkansas did when asked to support religious liberty? Some may object to referring to President Obama as a “neo-Marxist;” however, reviewing and understanding his upbringing, his influences and mentors, and various views that he holds, referring to him as a neo-Marxist is not name-calling: it is a sad fact. Who would have thought that our country would have put itself in this position, at any point in our history? Surely we would not have believed that this was possible a mere seven years ago. It gets worse: there is a year-and-a-half to go in the Obama administration, and most of the voters are not any more educated about politics, economics, and foreign policy than they were seven years ago. If only we could rewind.
Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through Amazon.com. You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete. Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at https://www.writtenbybwp.com/