Dealing with Childish IngratesJune 9, 2014"It can be exhausting to deal with childish ingrates, but deal with them we must." Listening to the radio last week, I heard former congresswoman JoAnn Emerson discussing with Mark Reardon on KMOX the latest very bad idea from President Obama. He was unable to pass an economy crippling Cap and Trade energy scheme when his party was in control of both houses of Congress. Now that he is a lame duck, has decided to do by executive fiat what those pesky "people's representatives" refused to do through legislation. Emerson, CEO for the National Rural Electrical Cooperatives Association, detailed how the proposed regulations would create enormous hardship on regular men and women, particularly in Missouri. While other states have hydroelectric power, or get energy from natural gas plants, Missouri relies on coal for 80% of our power. Our state will be hard hit by the proposed regulation changes. JoAnn went on to explain how the collected electric cooperatives have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in reducing emissions, and have in fact reduced emissions to mid-90s levels. Another expert explained how America's efforts will be rendered meaningless as developing nations like China will continue to pollute, uninterested in polar bears or spotted owls. Obama's move is just to make self-indulgent elites feel good about themselves. Listening to the shrill caterwauling of the environmentalist Left, and considering this against the backdrop of recent revelations about outright fraud as it pertains to global warming, it occurs to me that they are simply a bunch of ingrates. The fact is industries are doing a great deal to improve the environment, but it is never enough. The hundreds of millions spent by rural electric cooperatives mean nothing - they demand more. Lather, rinse, repeat across any number of issues, the political Left never seems to appreciate any good that is done - they always want more. The downside to being churlish is that eventually people get sick of constantly being on the defensive. It is bad enough to cry "wolf," but to be so relentlessly obnoxious risks people becoming indifferent. I think being responsible with our resources is reasonable, but crippling our economy to reach meaningless goals is just stupid. It also means that issues that actually might matter will be lumped in with the childish indulgences on display by the Obama Administration. Our response needs to be to push back against childishness, rather than give in. It is a shame that college educated adults can be so ignorant, but we have to deal with the world the way it is, not how we wish it was. It can be exhausting to deal with childish ingrates, but deal with them we must. We have to get men and women into office who are dedicated to dismantling the out-of-control bureaucracy and getting it out of the hands of the spoiled brats who wield it against us.
Edward Robert Martin Jr. is an American politician and attorney from the state of Missouri. As the former Missouri GOP Chairman, his blog “Choice or Echo” can be found at He is President of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum and can be reached at