Obama’s Policies Returning America to SlaveryBy Doug Patton March 26, 2012Longtime readers of my columns know that my favorite movie is “Braveheart,” Mel Gibson’s 1995 tale of Scottish leader William Wallace. One of my favorite lines from that film is Wallace’s rebellious reply to a statement uttered by the English princess regarding compromise with a tyrant — in this case Edward Longshanks, the ruthless King of England. “Peace is made in such ways,” the princess naïvely proclaims to our hero. “Slaves are made in such ways!” Wallace snaps. Therein lies the truth of dealing with the treachery of Barack Obama, whose policies are turning America into a nation of slaves. For those who think I am being hyperbolic, I offer the following: For the poor, it is self-evident that bondage to government largesse is a form of servitude. For poor and working class blacks, who in November will surely vote for Obama again in percentages that defy all logic, the negative impact of his policies on their lives will last for generations. His economic record has decimated their job prospects and left them with double-digit unemployment. Meanwhile, he has taken the welfare state of FDR and LBJ and put it on steroids, thereby setting true progress for minorities back decades. For Hispanics, many of whom applaud his administration’s challenges to common-sense immigration laws, he has shackled them with generational anxiety about the best way to advance in America. Far too many of them — even legal immigrants — believe his lies when he tells them that he and his party are their salvation, while Republicans, and especially conservatives, want to destroy them, their families and their future in this country. If Obama has his way, hard-working, family-oriented Hispanics will be as economically crippled and dependent on government as many blacks and poor whites are today. For impressionable young people, Obama has set his sights on them from high school to the grave. He wants them to believe the monstrous mendacity that the federal government is their ticket to an education, to “free” health care, a good job, a secure retirement, and anything else they may want or need along the way. For the elderly, Obama has done his best to frighten them into submission with his deceit about Social Security and Medicare. He and his corrupt Democrats stripped half a trillion dollars from Medicare in order to help them finance Obamacare, and then ran television commercials depicting Republicans pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair. I’m not sure these tactics will work with seniors this year. Perhaps they will manage to break free from Obama’s guile and see the truth. If not, they will be enslaved to government until the day they die. Then there are the women — especially the single women. Liberals have spent the last five decades enslaving women to their warped creed. They created a society that rewards promiscuity, illegitimacy and single motherhood, and now they are desperately trying to keep today’s women enslaved by offering them “free” contraception and abortion services — even if it means shredding the First Amendment to do it. Finally, there are the rest of us. The small business owners. The big business owners. Yes, even those whom Obama tries to demonize as the evil rich. In other words, the taxpayers. All of us are now slaves in Obama’s America — or soon will be. Each of us is allotted a certain amount of time on this earth. Obviously, it is different for each of us, but the time is most assuredly finite. The fruits of the time we spend laboring should be ours, available to us and to our families, to use as we, and they, see fit, with a small portion voluntarily allotted for the public good. Obama does not believe this. He believes our labor belongs to the federal government, and it is for him and his minions to dole out at their pleasure. This is immoral, pure and simple. It is anti-individual. It is anti-family. It is against everything the Founders fought and died defending. Obama’s depraved ideology must be soundly defeated, for slaves are made in such ways.
Doug Patton describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.comand/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.