"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Let's Have Rush Limbaugh Moderate a GOP Debate

January 16, 2012

Twice in a span of 12 hours recently, in what have laughingly come to be called “debates,” the six remaining Republican presidential candidates — Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman — prostrated themselves yet again before the mainstream media. As usual, the network celebrity talking heads gathered the GOP candidates together and dared them to attack each other, and once more there was a clear winner: Barack Obama.

Controlling the agenda on Saturday night were former Bill Clinton mouthpiece George Stephanopoulos and the soft-spoken, ever-patronizing Diane Sawyer of ABC. On Sunday morning it was even worse, with NBC’s hyper-liberal host of Meet the Press, David Gregory, directing the questions. As with most of the moderators in the previous 987 debates since last spring, these people could barely conceal their disdain for the candidates lined up before them, especially when the issues on the table were of a social nature, such as abortion or the defense of traditional marriage.

This has become a huge problem for the candidates and for the Republican primary process, because with the network elites in charge of these debates, the real issues are never discussed. Newt Gingrich still gets in a zinger now and then when he attacks the media or verbally assaults Obama, and Rick Perry called the president a socialist (he was being kind). Otherwise, who holds Obama accountable when his fiercest defenders are asking the questions?

It has been no secret at least since Watergate four decades ago that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly populated with Democrats, most of them extremely liberal snobs living in a Manhattan or Georgetown cocoon. However, since Barack Obama’s election in 2008, those who claim to simply report the news have become openly hostile to conservative thought in a way heretofore unseen in American politics. It’s as if they all see themselves as keepers of the “progressive” flame, crusaders for the memory of every liberal president and every big government program of the last one hundred years. And Barack Hussein Obama is the living embodiment of that flame. His philosophy of government is closer to the socialist European model they all admire than any president in history.

Consider the questions that have never been asked during these debates: What is your opinion of the president arbitrarily taking the property of General Motors stockholders and giving it to the United Auto Workers union? What about the GM dealerships that were closed because they were owned by Republicans and those that were kept open because their owners were Democrats — some of them donors to Obama’s campaign? What should be done about Operation Fast and Furious? What do you believe were the real motives for the program? Was it stricter gun control laws? Should Attorney General Eric Holder be fired over this scheme? Should the president be impeached? What about the bankrupt company Solyndra? Who should be held accountable for the half-billion dollars in taxpayer funds that were given to this company, at least some of whose executives were bundlers for the president’s election campaign? Whatever happened to the $20 billion the president obtained from BP after the Gulf oil spill? What should Congress do to stop the president from naming recess appointments when the Senate is not in recess? You have all been accused of holding extreme positions on abortion and same-sex marriage. Is the president’s opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act an extreme position? What about his administration’s refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, which is the law of the land? Is this extreme?

There is not a mainstream media journalist on the planet who would ask such questions. But there is one man who would, and it may be that his input is what is needed to inform Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike of the truth about Barack Hussein Obama. Republicans should ask radio king Rush Limbaugh to moderate their next debate. He would ask the right questions and it would be informative, unlike the circular firing squads hosted by Obama’s lackeys at the networks.

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Copyright ©2012 Doug Patton

Doug Patton describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.comand/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.